MZY1Y21,l,l ,l,l
,l,l]1/2 21 jD1
j/pk2 /p dWudWv
and ,ju,
is the empirical generalized
autocovariance function of fY1t,Y2tg,c
Ztc is the sample
proportion for fY1t > c,Y2t >
cg. All the MZY
,l,l tests have the same N(0, 1) limit distribution as MZY
Once again, we conduct the stepwise testing procedure in a
manner analogous to the previous case: we begin with a hypothesis test to check
whether EZEZt, j D
0,š1,..., using the omnibus test
statistic MZY1Y21,0,0.
We then proceed to use the derivative tests MZY,l,l, for l D 1,2,3,4 to search possible sources
of directional predictability of joint changes. Finally, we will use the MZZY1ZY21,0,0 test to examine whether the
directions of past returns can be used to predict the direction of future joint
We further perform the analyses via fZY1ω,u,v
and fZY2ω,u,v,
which will tell us whether the direction of joint changes in two currencies is
predictable, using individual returns
respectively. Also, the same test procedures will be repeated for examining the
direction of joint changes based on interest rate differentials, using two
interest rate differential series
jointly and individually. With these versatile test sets, we can better
characterize the nature of directional predictability of joint changes in
foreign exchange markets.
Daily foreign exchange spot rates in currency units per US dollar and daily foreign currency futures prices for the Australia dollar (AD), the Canadian dollar (CD), the British pound (BP), the Japanese yen (JY), the Swiss franc (SF) and the Deutschemark (DM) are employed to examine directional predictability of the foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange spot rates are noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers payable and available from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ( Futures prices for the same six currencies, denoted by an F-prefix on each symbol, are daily closing prices traded at the Chicago Mercantile
19 The proof is a straightforward extension of that given in Hong and Chung (2006).
Exchange (CME) and obtained from Datastream. We compute returns as the percent logarithmic difference
where St is an exchange spot rate or futures price.[15]
To construct interest rate differentials rt rtŁ, we use the 3-month London InterBank Offered Rate (LIBOR) for the US dollar (USD) and all six currencies as the domestic risk-free interest rate rt and the foreign risk-free interest rate rtŁ, respectively. Daily observations on the interest rates come, when available, from Datastream.[16] Table I reports descriptive statistics of the sample. The first two panels include some basic statistics for the returns on spot rates and futures prices, which have the same starting date, December 1 1987, but have different ending dates for DM. Upon the introduction of the euro and the irrevocably fixed conversion rates, the DM data stop after December 31 1998 and December 14 2001, respectively, for spot rates and future prices. Total observations in futures prices are slightly more than those in spot rates, due to different trading days in each market.
The sample means of returns are marginally different across currencies and markets (i.e., spot rates and futures prices), but they are all close to zero. CD is most stable for both spot and futures, with a standard deviation that is roughly half the size of other currencies. There is evidence of leptokurticity, but there is no clear evidence of negative skewness (particularly for FJY).[17]
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