empirical generalized cross-covariance function between fZtcg and fYtg, and ϕOZYj,u,
is the empirical joint
characteristic function of fZtc,Y
Here, kÐ is a kernel function, p pT is a bandwidth,[13]
and the factor
a finite sample correction factor for better finite sample performance.
Under the null hypothesis 0 of no directional predictability, fZY0,1,lω,0,v becomes a flat generalized cross-spectrum:
fZY,0,10,lω, , ω ,] 11
which can be consistently estimated by
fO ZY,0,10,lω,ZY,00,v 12
Thus, any significant difference between fZY0,1,lω,0,v
and fZY,0,10,lω,0,v
will indicate evidence against 0. Such a discrepancy can be
measured by the quadratic norm between the estimators fO ZY0,1,lω,0,v and
T jfO ZY0,1,lω,
j/pT 13
where WÐ is a positive and
nondecreasing weighting function, and the unspecified integral is taken over
the support of W
Then, the resulting test statistic is a standardized version of the cumulative
sum of
MZY j/p/ 14
where the centering and scaling factors ,l and
,l are approximately the mean
and the variance of the quadratic form TQ
in (13) and their expressions are given in Hong and Chung (2006). Under 0,
the statistic MO ZY1,l is asymptotically N(0, 1). It generally diverges
to positive infinity under the alternatives to 0, and thus allows us
to use upper-tailed N(0,
1) critical values as appropriate critical values (see Hong and Chung, 2006,
for details).
The last stage of our stepwise testing procedure is to examine
whether the directions of past returnsj,j > 0g can be useful to predict the directions
of future returns fZtg.
This aims to explore a growing empirical evidence of pattern anomalies in
foreign exchange markets, such as over/underreaction (e.g., Larson and Madura,
2001, and references therein) and long swing (Engel and Hamilton, 1990). The
former indicates short-term price reversal (or continuation) following large
price changes, while the latter presents periodic short-term foreign exchange
rate movements in one direction. In a period of time where these pattern
anomalies are found, the successive directions of foreign exchange rate
movements can be examined as a function of past directions.
To capture serial dependence in the univariate time series fZtcg that consists of past and future directions, we use the generalized spectral density function of Hong (1999):
fZZω,u, ZZ,ju,veijω 15
2 jD1
where the generalized covariance function is
c 16
The associated test statistic MZZ1,0 to test 0 : EZt EZt a.s. can be
derived in a similar manner to the test statistic MZY1,0:
we compare a consistent kernel estimator for the (1, 0)th order univariate
generalized spectral derivative fZZ0,1,0ω,0,v
and a consistent estimator for the flat spectrum fZZ,0,10,0ω,u,
Likewise, the MZZ1,0 test has the same N(0,
1) limit distribution as MZY1,l (Hong, 1999).
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