[3] Alain Juillet has been appointed by the French Prime Minister as the person which will report on Competitive Intelligence in France near the Prime Minister. Definition given by Alain Juillet:
“to develop a mode of governorship whose object is the control of the strategic information which has as a finality the competitiveness and the safety of the national economy and the national companies”
[4] http://www.scip.org
[5] The RAND corporation founded 60 years ago is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis
[6] The ADVOCACY CENTER was created in 1993 to help the US companies to win international markets, leveling the Playing Field for U.S. Businesses Competing Internationally
[7] Satellite Network which intercepts and analyses almost all electronic transactions in the world.
[8] See the Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations Key Findings
• The In-Q-Tel business model makes sense and its progress to date is impressive for a two-years old venture;
[9] Analysis of the Palmisano Report by Tamada Shumpeter a fellow of the RIETI (Japan) http://www.rieti.go.jp/en/columns/a01_0158.html 14 The Beffa Report • "For a new industrial policy"
In his report submitted to the President of the Republic, Jean Louis Beffa (Managing Director of Saint Gobain) focuses on the lack of research effort in France in comparison with its competitors and its over-specialisation in low technology sectors. He therefore advocates a support policy for industries of high technology through programmes calling on the co-ordination of public and private actors and enabling means of European cooperation to be set up. To download the report: http://www.rapport-jeanlouisbeffa.com
[10] Canadian Creativity and Innovation in the next new millennium
[11] Commonwealth of Australia, Backing Australia’s Ability: The Commonwealth Government’s Commitment to Innovation, http://www.backingaus.innovation.gov.au/
[12] http://www.jauiptm.jp/en/tlo/tlo.html
“A technology licensing organization (TLO) is a corporation, which obtains patents for university researchers' research results and licenses out those technologies to private companies, serving as an "intermediary" between industry and universities.”
[13] http://www.amazon.fr/Competitive-Advantage-Nations-New-Introduction/dp/0684841479 published in 1998. Extract: Why do some Nations succeed and other fall in international competition? This question is perhaps the most asked economic question of our time. Competitiveness has become one of the
[14] The Triple Helix as a Model for Innovation Studies
(Conference Report), Science & Public Policy Vol. 25(3) (1998) 195-203 Loet Leydesdorff & Henry Etzkowitz see also Industry & Higher Education 12 (1998, nr. 4) 197-258, http://users.fmg.uva.nl/lleydesdorff/th2/ihe98.htm
[15] Quebec University at Montréal : The birth of a triple helix : « Les programme des actions concertées du fonds Québécois de recherche sur la nature et la technique ». Lionel Vécrin November 2003 http://etdindividuals.dlib.vt.edu/archive/00000134/01/Vecrin_2003_Triple_Helice.pdf.
[16] Centro Formativo Privinciale, Guiseppe Zanardelli, Azienda speciale de la provincia de Brescia, Interreg III C Brics-workshop - Aalborg 13th Feb 2006
Dr Per Eriksson, - Director General VINNOVA
Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems
[17] Presented in December 2006 during the congress organized by the American Society of Hematology. Cited in What model the the French public research, Les Echos, wednesday January 10th 2007, Alain Perez
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