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La Inteligencia Competitive: factor clave para la toma de decisions estrategicas en las organizaciones.
Conferencia Inaugural
Henri Dou (*), Sri Damayanty Manullang (**), Henri Jean-Marie Dou Jr (***)
(*) ESCEM Tours Poitiers, ATELIS
1 rue Léo Delibes, LP 0536 - Tours 37205 Cedex 3 - France douhenri@yahoo.fr
(**) IICI Indonesian Institute for Competitive Intelligence and PT BMP Harmoni Plaza II Blok 1 N°2 Jl Suryopranoto n°2 10130 Jakarta, Indonesia srimanullang@hotmail.com
(***) CCIMP, Maison du Développement Industriel, Technopole de Château Gombert, 13013 Marseille – France
Today, the impact of the globalization on the development of the economy becomes larger and larger. Most of the countries want to share part of the world economic development. If during two hundred years, only 20 countries in the world share all the natural resources to ensure their own development, today it is not the case any more and there are 200 countries which are using the globalization to increase their share and to participate to the global development. The western and develop countries believed that the globalization will be for them a unique opportunity to export our principles of life and economic rules, but this is not the case. The development of the globalization is not going that way and it constitutes if it is not controlled a real threat for their development.
If we refer to the Davos’s summit[1], Harvard University president Lawrence Summers described as one of the most important moments of history: Asia’s new economic might. “What is happening in India and China … the integration of the fourth–fifths of the world where people are poor with the one-fifth of the world where the people are rich, has the potential to be one of three most important economic events in the last millennium, alongside the Renaissance and the industrial revolution”.
Most of the develop countries want to maintain or create competitive advantages. Many developing counties want to create their own advantages in the world economic market. To reach this objective, several ways have been used in the past and even today.
The main way to increase rapidly its competitiveness was developed year ago by the Japanese when they launch a worldwide program of incremental innovation. This program was linked to imitation or creative imitation and it allowed Japan to reach rapidly a state of development from which its industry and research were able to develop new products, new concepts and then to became the third world economic power.
In the same time other countries such as the South Korea develop a national program of education and imitation which enable the GNP of the country to increase from 87 US$ in 1962 to 10.550 US$ in 1997.
It is interesting to analyze rapidly what were “the ingredients” which provided the necessary facilities to reach such a development.
1960: through light industries like the textile, the toys and general electronics. South Korea applied the method of reproductive imitation.
1970: South Korea carries out a technological jump in the field of heavy industry, for example the cars and ships building and the machine tools.
1980: The list of export lengthened with microchips, computers, video, tape recorders, electronic communication systems and modern production of cars.
1990: Export of products of second generation: television with high definition, electronics, multi-media, systems of cellular communication.
In the same time, the South Korean industries were equipped with the knowledge bases necessary to realize the basic technological training which is the imitation:
• The education system
• The foreign technology transfer
• The creation of complexes and private industrial conglomerates
• The mobility of the scientists
Then a policy of knowledge development and creative imitation drove the South Korea to the today state of development with worldwide known brands and products such as Hyunday, Samsung, etc. The goal of this policy is to shorten the time of development and to provide steps by steps the strategy which will avoid the bottleneck of an inadequate vision of the development. The following figure shows the potential barrier which often happens when the vision of the development is not in accordance with the country facilities and knowledge.
Figure 1 – To move from A to B can not for developing countries be done in a single step.
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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