In Canada, Australia, programs of Competitive Intelligence developed, with a strong focus in Canada for the development of Competitive Intelligence in the State Institutions.
In Brazil, the development of Competitive intelligence began 10 years ago with an educational program which extended on several different states and which was at the origin of the development of Competitive Intelligence in large Brazilian Companies such as Embrapa, Embraer, Petrobras, …). Today a strong association ABRAIC (Brazilian Association of Competitive Intelligence) disseminate the concept through various Brazilian States.
In the European Northern countries, the Competitive Intelligence took another form, the name and the actions are part of a public policy and concern mainly the introduction of “Intelligence” in the development of the organizations. The influence of Stevan Dedidjer a pioneer in this domain if still presents in various organizations and mental models.12
In France, a national program of Competitive Intelligence ia developed through the management of various Government Department (Finance and Industry being the most important). In the same time a High Responsible for Economic Intelligence was appointed near the Prime Minister. If the first part of the program was the dissemination of the concepts of Competitive Intelligence through the Governmental Institutions and through the industries, the second part has consisted in the development of various poles of competitiveness. The third part, called “third generation of Competitive intelligence”, is to use Competitive Intelligence to develop international collaborations and to facilitate the link between French companies (SMI Small and Medium Size Industries) with foreing industries.
It will be too long to try to make a list of all the actions which are underway in various countries. We, to summarize what is going on will say that:
• Anglo-saxon countries are more or less oriented toward the US way to develop Competitive Intelligence. That means more focus on companies and market development and competitor knowledge.
• Developing countries are using a mix of Competitive Intelligence and Technology Watch to ensure a regional development. Some of them are moving to a cluster policy to create more added value products from their natural resources.
11 BMP PT Bina Mutuprima Indonesia Direktur
Harmoni Plaza II Blok 1 N°2
Jl Suryopranoto n°2
Jakarta 10130 Indonesie
12 Homage à Stevan Dedidjer
Philippe Clerc,
regards sur l’IE - N°5 - Septembre/Octobre 2004
• France has an intermediate position between the United States Competitive Intelligence Competitive Intelligence and a National Competitive Intelligence system which will defend the French international positions but which also will promote a regional re-industrialisation.
Most of the developed countries issued commitments and reports focus on innovation. Innovation is considered as the best way to maintain and to create competitive advantages. A global innovation policy will provide to the industries a way to create added value products from the local resources or to develop new products and services. Many reports in different countries indicate that innovation is one of the best way to move ahead and to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, not only for the large industries but also, and this is a crucial point for the Small and Middles Sizes industries which provide local employment.
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