Методические указания к выполнению контрольной работы для студентов заочной формы обучения по программам, реализуемым в сокращенные сроки, страница 8

to garden

b)  образуйте существительные при помощи данных суффиксов и переведите их

- ive:    to act             to create    to talk          to  communicate

- able:   to notice    to wash       to comfort         to predict

- ful:    peace             power               great                   success fruit

c)  при помощи префиксов un-, re-, im-, mis-, ir- образуйте и переведите  выделенные слова

to write (писать)______________________ (переписать)

to approve (одобрять) _________________ (не одобрять)

to pronounce (произносить)_______ (произносить неправильно)

comfortable (удобный)_________________ (неудобный)

probable (возможный) ________________ (маловероятный)

religious (верующий)_________________ (неверующий)


Read the text. Translate it.

Sentencing Today

A sentence of life imprisonment can be justified in terms of its primary goal of incapacitation, but the secondary functions of retribution and deterrence are also present. Deterrence is such a broad concept that it mixes well with all the other purposes. Bentham's notion that the pain of criminal punishment must be present as an example to others cannot be met if the prescribed treatment for the rehabilitation of offenders requires a therapeutic environment.

That judges have wide powers of discretion with regard to sentencing is reflected in how they combine sentences to tailor the punishment to fit the offender. The judge may stipulate, for example, that the prison terms for two charges are to run either concurrently or consecutively or that all or part of the period of imprisonment is to be suspended. In other situations, the offender may be given a combination of a suspended prison term, probation, and a fine. Execution of the sentence may be suspended as long as the offender stays out of trouble, makes restitution, or seeks medical treatment.

The penal code of each state and the federal government defines the behaviors that are considered illegal and specifies the punishments. The legal standards for sentencing - applying the punishment - have been less well developed than the definitions of the offences or the procedures used to determine guilt. The complexity of the goals of the criminal sanction should be appropriate to the crime, judges are given discretion to determine the appropriate sentence.

Variant 4

1.  Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в правильную форму, используя время Past Simple.

1)  Yesterday's morning he _____ (to wake up) at nine o'clock, _____ (to wash) and ______ (to clean) his teeth and after breakfast he ______ (to drive) to work.

2)  ______ you ______ (to hear) the bell? - No, I didn't

3)  He ______ (to be) interested in rock music when I _____ (to be) younger.

4)  Christopher Columbus _______ (to discover) America in 1492.

5)  I ______ (not to play) tennis when I ______ (to be) at your age.

6)  Betty _______ (not to see) her sister since last year.

7)  I _______ (cannot) sleep last night.

8)  I ___ (to want) to repair by bicycle last week but I ___ (cannot).

2.  Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в правильную форму, используя время Present Perfect.

1)  Look! Your dog ________ (to eat) your ice-cream!

2)  I'm sure, we ________ (to meet) before.

3)  I have a problem. I _______ (to loose) my phone.

4)  You are a little late. The lesson _____ already _____ (to begin).

5)  ______ you already ______ (to speak) to your father?

6)  It _______ (not to stop) raining yet?

7)  John _______ finally ______ (to find) a job.

8)  Can you give me a pen? I ______ (to leave) mine at home.

3.  Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в правильную форму, используя времена Present Simple или Future Simple.

1)  _____ you _____ (to come) to me?

2)  The weather _______ (to be) unpredictable these days.

3)  Look at the clouds! I _____ (to think) it _____ (to be) cold and windy tomorrow.

4)  She ______ (to give) me all questions for my future exam soon.