Методические указания к выполнению контрольной работы для студентов заочной формы обучения по программам, реализуемым в сокращенные сроки, страница 10

c)  Just a present

3)  - Do you like folk music?


a)  Well, yes, but I like jazz better

b)  What is it?

c)  It's not Ok.

4)  Would you like anything to drink?


a)  It really doesn't matter

b)  I'm really sorry

c)  I don't want to hear about it anymore.

5)  - Why didn't you say "hello" to me yesterday?


a)  Sorry. My sight is bad. I didn't notice you.

b)  There nothing to feel sorry about.

c)  Yu should be more careful

6)  - Could you possibly give me a lift to the station?


a)  Ok. I'd like to ask you some questions.

b)  No, we can't do it together.

c)  Sorry, there is something wrong with my car

7)  - I'd like a room for a night, please.


a)  Have a good time

b)  Single or double?

c)  We are not free now

8)  - Can I talk to Pam?


a)  Call back later, she is having a shower

b)  Who are you?

c)  I don't remember you

10.  Пользуясь правилами словообразования, образуйте следующие части речи.

a)  образуйте существительные при помощи суффиксов и переведите их.

- or:    to decorate   to sail   to promote        to act   to collect

- ition:     to consume      to define        to instruct      to connect   

to calculate           to organize

- ism:        capital          hero          race      productive     tour

- ness:  cold        dark   mild   weak   happy   harsh

b)  образуйте прилагательные при помощи данных суффиксов и переведите их

- al:     centre education practice profession nature culture

- less: help        heart   use   mind   home   job

- ous: fame        danger     glory    vary      fiction

c)  при помощи префиксов un-, ill-, im-, mis-, re- образуйте и переведите выделенные слова

legal (легальный) -____________ (нелегальный)

real (настоящий) -_____________ (ненастоящий)

acceptable (приемлемый) -__________ (неприемлемый)

to make (делать) -___________ (переделать)

behavior (поведение) -_________ (плохое поведение)

patient (терпеливый) - ___________ (нетерпеливый)


Read the text. Translate it.

American Police Force

The men and women in blue are the most visible presence of government in our society. Be they members of the local or state police, sheriffs departments, or federal agencies, the more than 500 000 sworn police officers play a crucial role in American society. Citizens look to the police to perform a wide range of functions, including prevention of crime, law enforcement, maintenance of order, and services to the community.

Unlike the courts and corrections, the police are the only unit of criminal justice whose day-to-day clientele is not exclusively accused persons, victims, and witnesses. Citizens form judgments about the police, and those judgments have strong impact on the way order is maintained under law.

History gives little help in defining police functions, because over time the agencies of law enforcement have played a great variety of often contradictory roles. These contradictions raise a number of questions:

1.  Are the police to be concerned with peacekeeping or crime fighting?

2.  Are the police the blind enforcers of the law or the discretionary agents of a benevolent government?

3.  Аге the police social workers with guns or gunmen in social work?

4.  Are the police facilitators of social change of defenders of the "faith"?

5.  Are the police a social agency of last resort after 5:00 p.m. or mere watchmen for business and industry?

The police are but one organization within the closely integrated system of criminal justice. Yet the way that the police pursue their goals greatly influences the operation of the rest of the system.


1.   Just English. Английский для юристов: Учебное пособие/ Ю.Л. Туманова, В.А. Королева, М.Л. Свешникова./ Под ред. Т.Н.Шишкиной. - М.: Гуманитарное знание, ТЕИС, 1997. - 198 с.