Методические указания к выполнению контрольной работы для студентов заочной формы обучения по программам, реализуемым в сокращенные сроки, страница 5

8.  Выберите подходящие синонимы к выделенным словам.

1)  The cake is really delicious

a)  sour

b)  tasty

c)  spicy

2)  Have you bought a new apartment?

a)  house

b)  flat

c)  room

3)  Picasso is a well-known painter.

a)  artistic

b)  famous

c)  knowledgeable

4)  She began learning English at the age of 4.

a)  initiated

b)  went on

c)  started

5)  He was badly hurt in a car accident

a)  satisfied

b)  touched

c)  intrigued

9.  Выберите наиболее подходящий ответ для предложенной ситуации.

1)  - Let's meet at about 10.30? Is that too early?


a)  Well, here you are.

b)  Never mind.

c)  No that's all right

2)  - You have read this book, haven't you?


a)  Yes, I see your point.

b)  No, not yet, I plan to.

c)  This is not my fault.

3)  - Good morning, Mr. Smith!


a)  How are you?

b)  Hi!

c)  Good morning, Dr. Adams!

4)  Would you like anything to drink?


a)  Not bad.

b)  Just water, please.

c)  Some salad, please

5)  - Would you like to have dinner with us tomorrow?


a)  I'm sorry to trouble you.

b)  I don't believe you said that.

c)  Sure. Shall I bring anything?

6)  - Excuse me, is there a post office near here?


a)  Tell me your name first.

b)  Let me see.

c)  I don't know, I don't live here.

7)  - I'd like a room, please.


a)  Have a good stay.

b)  Single or double?

c)  We are not free.

8)  - Can I talk to Pam?


a)  Tell me your phone number

b)  I don't remember her

c)  Of course, I'll call her.

10.  Пользуясь правилами словообразования, образуйте следующие части речи.

a)  образуйте существительные при помощи суффиксов и переведите его.

- or:   to act     to sail     to communicate        to assess   to calculate

to collect

- ist: real        piano  tour   special   social   art   material

- ing: to live   to hunt        to cross    to suffer    to translate

- ness: cold       dark   kind   weak   great   useful

b)  образуйте прилагательные при помощи данных суффиксов и переведите их

- able: to read  to eat  to comfort to change       to predict      to rely

- less:   help                heart                use

- ish:    red                  child               Pole                  green

c)  при помощи префиксов un-, dis-, im-, mis-, ir- образуйте и переведите выделенные слова

regular (постоянный) -____________ (непостоянный)

to like (нравиться) -____________ (не нравиться)

to correct (правильный) -__________ (неправильный)

pleasant (приятный) -__________ (неприятный)

fortunately (к счастью) -________ (к несчастью)

to    understand    (понимать) - ________ (понимать неправильно)


Read and translate the text.


The restitution concept requires defendants to either pay back the victims of crime (monetary restitution) or serve the community to compensate for their criminal acts (community service restitution).

Ordinarily, restitution programs require offenders to pay back victims of crime (or serve the community) as a condition of probation. The process thus offers the convicted offender a chance to avoid a jail sentence or more lengthy probationary period. Restitution may also be used as a diversionary device, and offer some offenders the chance to avoid a criminal record altogether. In this instance, a judge will continue the case "without a finding" while the defendant completes the restitution order; after the probation department determines that restitution has been made, the case is dismissed.