O.S. Osiptseva
Department of Control Systems and Informatics
Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics
Kronverskiy avenue. 49, Saint-Petersburg, 197101, RUSSIA
Tel: + 7(812)5954128, E-mail:
Abstract – The work considers the problem of syntheses of the digital remote control of continuous control object in PPP-protocol. If the number of check bits in format of nonjammable code does not exceed the number of data bits, the problem of estimation of the influence of noise waves in KS factor is being solved with the help of the theory of interval representations.
Remote control of
technical object with the use of telematic PPP-protocol requires to provide
anti-interference of transmitted codes along direct and back channels using the
mode of s-fold errors correction. Therefore, the task to form the structure of
the nonjammable binary code reduces into determination of the number
of redundant bits, the number of which given
, where np - number of bits of
code conversion hardware under conditioning of control signal, transmitted
through the direct channel, and of object output determination signal,
transmitted through back channel, guaranteeing s-fold errors correction, which
as a result meets the requirements of ГОСТ-а 26.205-88 to the value of tolerance probability to command
transformation for the chosen category of remote control system.
For ensuring the required
validity of data transmission through the binary channel under interference
conditions the task of remote control of continuous object is build by
introduction of aggregative discrete interval in such
a way that aggregative discrete object, representing combination of direct and
back channels with continuous control object, is characterized by the
length of state vector.
Let us highlight
three possible situations. First situation is characterized by static
interfering environment in binary channel, parameters of which are known a
priori, as well as coordinated work of "channel-specialist" and
"system-specialist" while developing system of the remote control of
continuous object taking into account channel environment factor. As a result
interference specialists ("channel-specialists") after getting information
from "system-specialists" concerning chosen hardware parameters,
calculate the parameters of nonjammablecode, and give n value of full amount of code bits
to "system-specialists" for developing the device for remote digital
control of continuous object. n - value of full amount of code bits is
used by "system-specialists" for modification of aggregative discrete
in accordance with expression
moreover, in (1) is taken into
account one beat of “channel time” for distortion correction in received from
channel nonjammable code. Modified value of aggregative discrete interval (1)
is used at discrete description of continuous control object and, as consequence,
aggregative discrete object, for which digital remote control is synthesized by
the method of dynamic modal control.
Second situation is basically generated by uncoordinated work of "system-specialists" and "channel-specialists". This situation is technically characterized by two results. The first result in system environment at issue is that "system-specialist" working autonomously on basis of the hypothesis about absence of interference in channel environment forms aggregative discrete interval, relying only on parameters of given telematic protocol and parameters of hardware of the code transformations in signal environment of remote control system. "System-specialists" make syntheses of digital remote control device on basis of value of aggregative discrete interval [5]. In turn, "channel-specialists" work also autonomously on basis of information about parameters of noise environment in binary channel and requirements to information reliability (validity of transmission) and form nonjammable code, number of bits of which will be assigned by the aggregative discrete interval different from the one used by "system-specialists" by synthesing the digital remote control device [1-3].
Third situation has purely technical reason. The situation is characterized by the fact that interference environment used in binary channel during twenty-four hours or more is nonstationary. In the performance of a task of information reliability of the operating system of the digital remote control "channel-specialists" includes into the system adaptive anti-interference device. Such device brings about nonstationary aggregative discreet interval allowing interval representation. The interval interval can be characterized by median component and interval component itself. Estimations of absolute and relative intervalty of aggregative discreet interval can be taken into consideration. Under condition of coordinated work of "channel-specialist" and "system-specialist", "system-specialist" making synthesis of digital remote control system can put as basis of it median value of aggregative interval, and with the help of apparatus of interval model representations [1,2,4-8] can take into account intervalty factor, that also is a subject of consideration of given article.
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