define the purpose of control as the solution of the problem of synthesizing the algorithm which at any initial conditions ensures the boundedness of all system signals as well as the execution of purpose condition
, (3)
for some , where
is a tracking error,
– a number which can be decreased by control law
We rewrite the system (1) in the following form
where ,
, …,
, …,
–components of the vector of unknown time-varying parameters
The state-space model (4) can be represented in the input-output form
where – differentiation operator, transfer function
Before beginning the synthesis of control law let us formulate the auxiliary result published in [14]. Consider linear system time-invariant system
where ,
. Transfer function of system (6) is
determined by expression
Let the system (6) be closed
, (7)
in which number .
Let us put a question about
existence of positively defined matrix and number
satisfying the correlations
, (8)
for some positively defined
matrix .
Lemma [14],[15]. Let , where
. Let
be a Hurwitz polynomial and
then exists a number
for which correlations (8), (9) are
solvable for any
Choose the control law of the following form
, (10)
where is a positive number; the positive parameter
is intended for compensation of the uncertainties
; polynomial
is chosen for the polynomial
to be Hurwitz and (
) order; function
is the estimate of signal
which is calculated according to the following algorithm
, (12)
where number ( calculation procedure of
is presented in Appendix, inequality (A.8)), and parameters
are calculated for the system (11) to be
asymptotically stable for input
Substituting (10) in equation
we obtain
where deviation function equals
. (14)
Transform the equation (13) in the following way
Let us introduce the
following indication ,
where according to the
polynomial is Hurwitz, parameters
are bounded and smooth, signal
and its derivatives up to order
including we obtain
is bounded.
Then for equation (13) obtain
Let us denote ,
then for (13) we have
, (15)
where according to the
polynomial is Hurwitz and function
is bounded we obtain
is also bounded.
Rewrite the input-output model (15) in state-space form
As is (
) order Hurwitz polynomial then in view of
lemma presented above number
exists that it is possible to find number
and symmetrical positively defined matrix
satisfying following matrix equations
, (17)
where is positively defined matrix.
Notice matrix parameters depend on parameter
and do not depend on
Let us rewrite model (11), (12) in vector-matrix form
where ,
Consider new variable
, (19)
then according the matrix structure, error
For derivative of we obtain
. (20)
As (can be checked by substitution) then
where matrix according the calculation of parameters
of model (11) has proper numbers with negative real
component and satisfies the Lyapunov equation:
, (22)
where and
are positively defined matrixes.
Theorem. There exist numbers and
such that all trajectories of system (16), (21) are bounded
and control purpose (3) is executed.
The proof of the theorem is presented in Appendix.
In this part we consider the problem of
choosing the controller (10) – (12) parameters satisfying the theorem conditions (see expressions (A.4), (A.7) and
(A.8)). Possible variant of tuning the coefficients
is to increase them as long as the purpose condition
(3) is executed.
For realization of this idea we use the following algorithm
, (23)
where and function
is calculated in the following way
where number
Choose in the following way
, (24)
where number .
It is obvious that with such calculation of
exists a point of time
for which, condition (17) and inequalities (A.4),
(A.7), (A.8) are executed. It is also evident that tracking error
will be decreased with the rise of parameter
(see inequality (A.12)).
Let us consider the following time-varying plant
, (26)
where is a measured variable;
– unknown variable parameters; in contrast
to work [3] we suppose that disturbance affects on the plant, i.e.
Choose control law according to equations (10) – (12)
, (28)
where polynomial and coefficient
To tune the parameters and
we use the method proposed in the previous part. Assigning the
and command signal
we simulate the system for
. Results of computer simulation for unknown time-varying parameters
(given parameter values are taken from article [3]) and disturbances
on variables
are presented in the Fig. 1 and 2 accordingly.
Computer simulation graphics for and
illustrate the achievement of proposed control purpose. It is
necessary to note that assigned adaptive control algorithm
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