Igor B. Furtat
Astrakhan State Technical University
Tatischeva av. 16, Astrakhan, 414025, RUSSIA
Tel: +7(512) 559248, E-mail:
Abstract - In the paper was solved the problem of following of an output of control plant for the reference signal in the conditions of priori uncertainty. Only scalar input and scalar output of the plant are accessible to measuring. Solution of problem is founded on the new modified parameterization, which get the possibility to lead the plant to the SPR-function at once. The further syntheses in founded on the use of the modified algorithm of adaptation of the high order. These parameters in the sum get the possibility to lower the order of the closed-loop system.
1. Introduction
At present moment in a class of the tasks of adaptive systems were received many approaches and methods [1-10] for control of linear plant on an output in the conditions of priory uncertainty. These methods conditionally can be divided into two class: adaptive control with the extended error [1,4] and adaptive control with algorithm adaptation of the high order [2-5, 9]. The concept of the extended error consist of reception of simple scheme an extending signal, what the sum of an tracking error and the generator of extension.
Another approach is the method of algorithm adaptation of the high order. These algorithms also can be divided into two class by the principle of realization: algorithms with an estimation of derivative from an tracking error, for what different observers are used. The order of the closed-loop system in the second case is less than in the first case.
In this paper the algorithm of adaptation of the high order, in which the derivative of an tracking error are estimated, is offered. Thus the algorithm was received on the base of new parameterization, which get the possibility to present parametrical uncertainties of model as additive indignations, linear on unknown parameter and the model without additional transformation, has SPR-function (strict positive realness). It gets the possibility to lower the order of the closed-loop system, because the auxiliary filters are expelled and to simplify the technical realization of adaptive system.
2. Statement of the problem
Let’s consider the plant of control, in which the dynamic processes are described by the equation
. (1)
Here ,
- differential operators
with the constant unknown coefficients, where
- are monic polynomials;
- scalar plant output;
- scalar control signal;
- disturbance
operator of differential.
The reference model is described by the equation
, (2)
where ;
- bounded reference
Thus the standard problem control with the reference model on an output signal with the demand to construct the control system, providing for any entry conditions the boundedness of all signals of the system and also it provides the fulfillment of the target condition is formed
, (3)
where - some, small enough
number, which can be diminished.
Assumption. А1. Orders of the polynomials ,
, where
a complex variable in
Laplas transformation;
- relative degree of plant. А2. Polynomial
is Hurwitz. А3.
. А4. Reference input
and its
derivatives, and also disturbance influence
is bounded function of time. А5. Functions:
are accessible to
measuring. Using of derivative of these quantities in a control system is not admitted.
3. Synthesis of algorithm of adaptive control
Let’s decompose the operators ,
, where
are operators with
well-known coefficients, so that polynomials
Hurwitz and it have orders
are operators with
unknown coefficients on orders
Using such parameterization will receive SPR-function
at once without
additional transformations, as for example in [1-10], and additionally choose
so that
. Then, using procedure
of “operator’s division” the equation (1) can be written down as
, (4)
where - bounded functions in the force of Hurwitz of polynomials
and assumption A4. Let’s
realize the decay of the operator
on the following components
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