Prospecting and exploration. Petroleum refining. Drilling and completing wells, страница 4


II. 1 – e

2 – c

3 – a

4 – b

5 – f

6 – d

III. 1 – b

2 – a

3 – d

4 – f

5 – c

6 – e

IV. 1 – c

2 – e

3 – b

4 – f

5 – a

6 – d

V. 1 – b

2 – e

3 – f

4 – a

….5 – d

….6 – c

УРОК 5С) 4 семестр

I. Vocabulary list

penetrate – проникать

completion – закачивание

evaluation – оценка

well-logging method – геофизический метод

detect – определять

accumulation – скопление

absorption – поглощение

depth – глубина

drill-stem test – испытание пластов опробывателем

seal – закрывать

drill mud – буровой раствор

pipe – труба

II. Find Russian equivalents to English words

1. penetrate

2. evaluation

3. accumulation

4. formation

5. fluid

6. surface

a) скопление

b) формация

c) жидкость

d) проникать

e) поверхность

f) оценка

III. Match the parts of the word combination

1. bore

2. well-logging

3. productive

4. production

5. drill

6. gas

a) test

b) hole

c) accumulation

d) pipe

e) method

f) formation


After the bore hole has penetrated the possibly productive formations, these formations must be tested to determine if expensive completion procedures should be used. The first evaluation is usually made by well-logging methods, in which the logging tool is lowered past the formations while response signals are relayed to operators on the surface. Often these tools make use of the difference in electrical conductivities of rock, water, and petroleum to detect possible oil or gas accumulations. Other logging tools depend on difference in absorption of atomic particles. With well-logging tools, the exact depths of possibly productive formations are determined. Only a production test, however, can establish the potential productivity of a well.

The production test normally used is the so-called drill-stem test, in which the bore hole is sealed above and below the formation to be tested, with only the drill pipe open to the formation. The drill pipe is then emptied of the drilling mud so that the formation fluid may enter. When enough time has passed, the openings into the drill pipe are closed, and the pipe containing the formation fluid is brought to the surface for analysis. If there is gas present, the gas may flow from the top of the drill pipe during the test.

IV. Mater the questions to the answers

1. Why must the formations be tested?

2. What method is used for the first evaluation?

3. Are the exact depths of possibly productive formations determined?

4. Can production test establish the potential productivity of a well?

5. What production test is normally used?

6. Why is the drill pipe emptied of the drilling mud?

a) Well-logging method.

b) To determine if the expensive completion procedures should be used.

c) Yes, they are.

d) To allow fluid enter.

e) Yes, it an.

f) Drill-stem test.

V. Find the proper translation of every sentence

1. These formations must be tested to determine if expensive completion procedures should be used.

2. The first evaluation is made by well-logging method.

3. The exact depths of possibly productive formations are determined.

4. Only a production test can establish the potential productivity of a well.

5. The drill pipe is implied of the drilling mud so that the formation fluid may flow.

6. The openings into the drill pipe are closed.

a) Эти формации должны быть протестированы, чтобы определить, следует ли использовать дорогостоящие процедуры по закачиванию скважины.

b) Точная глубина возможно продуктивной формацией определяется.

c) Первую оценку делают геофизическими методами.

d) Эти отверстия в буровую трубу закрываются.

e) Буровая труба освобождается от бурового раствора так, чтобы формационная жидкость мыла течь.

f) Только производственный тест может определить потенциальную продуктивность скважины.
