1. Is crude oil unsuitable for direct use? 2. When did petroleum refining begin in the USA and in Russia? 3. When did the improvement of refining come? 4. How did the reefing process develop in 1930s? 5. What changed in refining process in 1950s – 1960s? 6. How many types of hydrocarbons are there? |
a) After the World War I a major improvement in refining came with the development of the cracking process. b) Petroleum refining in the USA and Russia began in the second half of the 19th century. c) Crude oil is unsuitable for direct use in most cases. d) The 1950s and '60s brought a large-scale demand for jet fuel and for high-quality lubricating oils. e) During the 1930s refining processes led to the development in the quality of fuels and increased their supply. f) There are four types of hydrocarbons. |
V. Find the proper translation of every sentence
1. Crude oil is unsuitable for direct use. 2. Petroleum refining began in the second half of the 19 century. 3. A major improvement in refining came with the development of the cracking process. 4. Refining process led to the improvements in the quality of fuels and increased their supply. 5. The various hydrocarbon compounds have different boiling points. 6. Four main types of hydrocarbons are present in crude oil. |
a) Переработка нефти началась во 2-ой половине 19 века. b) Процесс переработки привёл к улучшению качества топлива и увеличило его снабжение. c) Сырая нефть непригодна для прямого использования. d) Четыре типа углеводородов присутствуют в сырой нефти. e) Основное улучшение процесса переработки нефти пришло с развитием деструктивной перегонки. f) Различные углеводородные соединения имеют разные точки кипения. |
II. 1 – c 2 – a 3 – d 4 – b 5 – f 6 – e |
III. 1 – b 2 – e 3 – c 4 – d 5 – a 6 – f |
IV. 1 – c 2 – b 3 – a 4 – e 5 – d 6 – f |
V. 1 – c 2 – a 3 – e 4 – b ….5 – f ….6 – d |
УРОК 3 (ПС) 3 семестр
I. Vocabulary list
designing – проектирование
construction – строительство, сооружение
capacity – ёмкость
storage – хранение
enterprise – предприятие
drilling – бурение
distribution – распределение
wasteful – расточительный
widespread – широко распространён
possibility – возможность
II. Find Russian equivalents to English words
1. storage 2. enterprise 3. petroleum 4. reach 5. prevent 6. exploration |
a) достигать b) хранение c) нефть d) исследование e) предприятие f) предотвращать |
III. Match the parts of the word combination
1. oil and gas 2. good 3. petroleum 4. exploration 5. natural 6. commercial |
a) methods b) market c) specialist d) refining e) gas f) enterprise |
The speciality of designing and construction of oil and gas storage capacities is one of the most necessary and important ones nowadays. Specialists work in different oil and gas enterprises.
A good specialist should know everything about prospecting and exploration methods, kinds of drilling, recovery of oil and gas, petroleum refining and transportation and distribution of oil and gas.
As the value of the petroleum produced reached impressive proportions, governmental agencies in every producing area sought to prevent wasteful exploration. The introduction of natural gas and oil into commercial markets is widespread. The students of our university have all the possibilities for getting good education.
IV. Mater the questions to the answers
1. Is your speciality one of the most important and necessary nowadays? 2. Where do specialist in oil and gas sphere work? 3. What should a good specialist know? 4. Is the introduction of oil and gas into commercial worked widespread? 5. Do students of our university have all the possibilities to get good education? 6. How does your speciality called? |
a) Yes, it is. Our speciality is one of the most important and necessary nowadays. b) Yes, they do. They have all the possibilities for guttery good education. c) A good specialist should know everything about methods of exploration, kinds of drilling and so on. d) They can work in different oil and gas enterprises. e) Yes, it is. It is widespread in commercial market. f) Designing and construction of oil and gas storage capacities. |
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