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УРОК 1 (ПС) 3 семестр
I. Vocabulary list
exploration – исследование
surface – поверхность
observation – наблюдение
seepage – просачивание
crude oil – сырая нефть
tar – дёготь, смола
deposite – месторождение
skim – верхний слой
creek – бухта
leakage – утечка
property – свойство
drilling – бурение
gravity – гравитация
II. Find Russian equivalents to English words
1. surface 2. exploration 3. gravity 4. reservoir 5. leakage 6. crude oil |
a) исследование b) резервуар c) поверхность d) утечка e) гравитация f) сырая нефть |
III. Match the parts of the word combination
1. exploration 2. feature 3. gravity 4. tarlike 5. seismic 6. echo-producing |
a) surveys b) properties c) mapping d) work e) deposits f) method |
There are three major exploration methods now: surface feature mapping, seismograph observations and Earth gravity surveys.
Surface method. A seepage of crude oil sometimes appears as a tarlike deposite in a low area. It can be seen as a thin skim of oil on small creeks that pass through the seepage area. These methods are not applicable to the large majority of underground reservoirs that do not have leakage to the surface.
Seismographic methods. Seismic methods involve the transmission and echo-producing properties of rock in a manner similar to underwater sonar methods. Possible locations for petroleum accumulations may then be located for drilling.
Gravity meter surveys. The gravity meter has become a primary exploration tool. Gravity surveys are carried out from the air. The gravity meter survey is faster and less expensive than the seismic method. It is generally used as a preliminary survey tool to locate areas in which seismic work may profitably be concentrated.
IV. Mater the questions to the answers
1. What are the major exploration methods? 2. How does a seepage of crude oil appear? 3. Are these methods applicable to the large majority of underground reservoirs? 4. What methods involve the transmission and echo-producing properties of rock? 5. What is a preliminary exploration tool? 6. Where are gravity surveys carried out from? |
a) Three major exploration methods are surface feature mopping, seismograph observation and Earth gravity surveys. b) These methods are not applicable to the large majority of underground reservoirs that do not have leakage to the surface. c) Gravity meter is a preliminary exploration tool. d) A seepage of crude oil appears as a tarlike deposite in a low area. e) Gravity surveys are carried out from the air. f) Seismic methods involve the transmission and echo-producing properties of a rock. |
V. Find the proper translation of every sentence
1. There are three exploration methods now. 2. Surface methods are not applicable to the large majority of underground reservoirs. 3. Possible locations for petroleum accumulation may be located for drilling. 4. Gravity surveys are carried out from the air. |
a) Поверхностные методы не применимы к большинству подземных резервуаров. b) Сейчас существуют три метода исследования. c) Гравитационный поиск осуществляется с воздуха. d) Возможные места скопления нефти могут быть определены для бурения. |
II. 1 – c 2 – a 3 – e 4 – b 5 – d 6 – f |
III. 1 – f 2 – c 3 – c 4 – e 5 – d 6 – b |
IV. 1 – a 2 – d 3 – b 4 – f 5 – c 6 – e |
V. 1 – b 2 – a 3 – d 4 – c |
УРОК2 (ПС) 3 семестр
I. Vocabulary list
crude oil – сырая нефть
refining process – процесс переработки
improvement – улучшение
cracking process – деструктивная перегонка
sophisticated – усовершенствованный
catalyst – катализатор
lubricating oil – смазочное масло
boiling point – точка кипения
hydrocarbones – углеводороды
II. Find Russian equivalents to English words
1. unsuitable 2. sophisticated 3. compounds 4. demand 5. quality 6. different |
a) усовершенствованный b) спрос c) непригодный d) соединения e) различный f) качество |
III. Match the parts of the word combination
1. direct 2. refining 3. cracking 4. boiling 5. hydrocarbon 6. lubricating |
a) compounds b) use c) process d) points e) process f) oil |
Crude oil is unsuitable for direct use. It is converted into such useful products through the refining process. Petroleum refining began in the United States and Russia in the second half of the 19th century.
After World War I a major improvement in refining came with development of the cracking process.
During the 1930s and World War II, sophisticated refining processes involving the use of catalysts led to further improvements in the quality of fuels and increased their supply.
The 1950s and '60s brought a large-scale demand for jet fuel and for high-quality lubricating oils.
The various hydrocarbon compounds that are mixed together in crude oil have different boiling points.
Four main types of hydrocarbons are present in crude oil: normal paraffins, isoparaffins, cycloparaffins (also called naphthenes), and aromatics.
IV. Mater the questions to the answers
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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