Интересные факты из истории черной металлургии Англии и США: Учебно-методическая разработка на английском языке, страница 5

4.  wrought iron                         d) шарнирно укрепленный конвертер

5.  iron ore                                 e) прочное железо

6.  molten stage                          f) стационарный, закрепленный конвертер

7.  tough iron                             g) расплавленное железо

8.  carbon monoxide gas            h) железная руда

9.  molten iron                           i ) чугун

Exercise 3. Compare text A with text B according to the model. Complete the given statements and use in dialogues of your own.

Well, I should say …                        Attention is drawn to …

That may be right, but …                 The author goes on to say that …

On the contrary …                           The author comes to the conclusion that …

On the one hand …, on the other hand …

1.  A: "Both texts are about one and the same person and there's little difference between them".

B: …………

2.  A: "Text A describes the whole of Bessemer's career, while text B … ".

B:  ………..

3.  A: "Both authors are interested only in the  technological  aspects of  Besse-

mer's discovery. They don't even mention the financial ones".

     B:  ……….

4.  A:  (etc.)

B:  ……….

          Exercise 4. Focus on the word-building. Find out 8 adverbs in the text B and change them into adjectives: simultaneously – simultaneous; approximately – approximate. Use these adverbs and adjectives in your own sentences.


The American Inventor William Kelly

          Task 1.   

Professor Jones is a visiting lecturer from the United States and a leading expert in metallurgy. He is interviewed by a Russian TV commentator. Act as an interpreter.

Comm.:        Профессор, мы только что прослушали Вашу замечательную лекцию о жизни и деятельности сэра Генри Бессемера. Мне кажет-ся, однако, что нашим слушателям было бы интересно узнать что-нибудь и о другом выдающемся изобретателе, вашем соотечествен-нике, который, насколько мне известно, открыл тот же процесс со-вершенно независимо от своего британского коллеги. Я имею в ви-ду господина Уильяма Келли.

Int.:              …….

Prof.:           You are quite right, William Kelly lived approximately at the same time as Sir Henry Bessemer and their discoveries were made almost simultaneously.

Int.:              ……..

Comm.:        Но как он пришел к своему открытию?

Int.:              ……..

Prof.:           William Kelly was the son of a rich landowner and he acquired land in Kentucky containing iron ore. He launched a company for making sugar-boiling kettles: these were manufactured from pig-iron converted into rough-iron by a simple charcoal process.

Int.:              ……..

Prof.:           During experiments to reduce  costs he discovered that excess carbon could be burnt out of molten iron by subjecting this to an air blast; moreover, the heat generated in the process diminished the need to supply this from an outside source, resulting in a great saving of fuel.

Int.:              ………

Comm.:        Все это очень интересно. А заявил ли Келли публично о своем открытии?

Int.:              ………

Prof.:           The work on creating the converter had been conducted secretly from 1851 till 1856. When Kelly came to know in 1856 that Bessemer had been granted an American patent for the Bessemer process he also decided to make an application.

Int.:              ………

Prof.:           The United States patent office accepted his appeal and granted a patent in June 1857, and  the first steel made in accordance with it was produced in 1864.

Int.:              ………

Comm.:        И тогда он стал богатым и счастливым,

Inn.:             ………

Prof.:           Alas! In the year he was granted a U.S. patent he went bankrupt.

Int.:              ………

Prof.:           He had to sell the patent to his father, who then left it to Kelly's sisters in his will. In short, he was never able to make use of the patent provided, these did, however, descend to his children.