penetrate… commander… locate… coordinates… estimated…
take … friendly… envelop… protective… send…
neutralize… see… begin… consisting of… penetrate…
protective… reinforcement… take … in the vicinity of… send…
commander… locate… coordinates… estimated… neutralize…
measure… envelop… reinforcement… friendly… protective…
locate… coordinates… estimated… neutralize… see…
in the vicinity of… bridge… send… reinforcement… take …
penetrate… commander… locate… coordinates… estimated…
bridge… friendly… take … in the vicinity of… send…
2. Записать слова сокращениями (80 слов, 16 строк):
support… column… cross… river… prepare…
company.. division.. regiment.. road.. brigade..
unit… cross… prepare… deffence… vehicle…
company.. troops.. road.. brigade.. concentration..
deffence… organize… column… request… cross… division.. regiment.. road.. .
cross… river… prepare… deffence… organize…
battalion.. troops.. platoon.. company.. troops..
unit… support… river… request… support…
road.. brigade.. concentration.. troops.. platoon..
prepare… deffence… vehicle… river… cross…
sector.. battalion..division.. brigade.. regiment..
organize… column… support… request…unit…
platoon.. troops.. road.. sector.. concentration..
vehicle… unit… deffence… organize… prepare…
company.. brigade.. division.. regiment.. platoon..
3. Записать слова сокращениями (100 слов, 20 строк):
attack… tank… day… foot… reach …
artillery.. group.. move.. destroy.. infantry..
tank… man… aircraft… day… foot…
enemy.. gun.. soldier.. time.. fire..
army… exercise… man… aircraft… order…
move.. destroy.. soldier.. fire.. artillery..
attack… tank… army… exercise… foot…
group.. artillery.. destroy.. infantry.. move..
foot… reach… exercise… tank… day…
enemy.. gun.. group.. move.. artillery..
tank… day… foot… man… aircraft…
destroy.. fire.. infantry.. destroy.. fire..
army… tank… exercise… reach… exercise…
group.. artillery.. destroy.. infantry.. move..
man… aircraft… attack… tank… aircraft…
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