- GOST R certification system. Rules for certification of electrical equipment and electrical energy (changes 21/08/02). Government standard of Russia;
- GOSTs for LV electrical equipment (up to 1000V);
- tests according to GOST 51317.4.1-2000 (IEC 61000-4-1-2000).
The terminals (cubicles) should have the attestation approved by ОАО «UES FGC».
3.9. The terminals should have synchronization with an external source of accurate time.
3.10. The terminals should be provided by continuous self-diagnostics.
3.11. The terminals should have several groups of operation parameters and the ability to activate any group by binary input signals. And also all the adjustable parameters:
- with the help of man-machine interface;
- with the help of personal computer, connected using special terminal interface;
- distantly, from the upper level management.
3.12. The terminals should have communication interfaces that provide remote management and information exchange in case when they are connected with substation control system, local LED alarm and malfunction alarm. The terminals must detect and display electrical parameters of the object, perform event logging, analog and digital signals oscillography with the storage of at least 3 last oscillograms (duration >10 seconds) at nonvolatile memory.
3.13. The terminals should support standard international communication protocols and have open address space. It must surely be possible to integrate relay protection and automation system into process control system supplied by other manufacturers.
3.14. The terminals should have Russian interfaces.
3.15. The kit of each terminal should include:
- software necessary to communicate with terminals, set parameters of configuration, registration, and oscilloscope;
- documentation in Russian, which contains:
- spare parts;
- Documentation with reliable data about the issue numbers of terminals of each type, locations of their installation (country, the voltage of protected network), and the experience of using this terminals.
3.16. Suppliers of equipment must have a technical center in Russia to provide necessary assistance in the design, adjustment and exploitation of the devices used for management, protection and automation.
Supplier shall give an offer of the preparations of the operations staff at the manufacturer or contactor training centers. Conditions must be specified by the customer in the service contract.
3.17. Requirements for reliability and survivability of RPA.
RZA system should operate in continuous mode (twenty-four-hour) within the prescribed period of service, the length of which (subject to the required technical maintenance) must be at least 20 years.
During the period of service all the devices must meet the requirements of multi-component, multi-channel, maintainable and recoverable systems (GOST 24.701-83).
In general, the reliability and survivability of the RPA systems shall be provided by:
- the choice of hardware with appropriate reliability rates;
- backup;
- structural ways (the usage of distributed control, autonomy of the system individual components, etc);
- required rules of device service.
Quantitative indicators of reliability:
- mean time between failures (MTBF) of each RPA function channel can’t be less than 120000 hours;
- average time of any RPA function recovery can’t be more than 0,5 hours.
Every protection and management device failure should not disable serviceable protection elements of the primary circuit. Other serviceable terminals should not be damaged or have false trips because of the actions of this device.
The terminal must have:
- warranty period of at least 36 months,
- periodic check cycle for at least 6 years.
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