Limitedliabilitycompany «Setstroyproekt» |
Construction of substation 220 kV Lafarge |
Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, networks of engineering and technical support, list of engineering and technical measures, contents of technological solutions |
Subsection 1. Electricpowersystem |
Volume2. Relayprotectionandautomation |
67177-811/821-ИОС1.2 |
Tome6.1 |
Moscow 2012 |
Limitedliabilitycompany «Setstroyproekt» |
Construction of substation 220 kV Lafarge |
Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, networks of engineering and technical support, list of engineering and technical measures, contents of technological solutions |
Subsection 1. Electricpowersystem |
Volume 2. Relay protection and automation |
67177-811/821-ИОС1.2 |
Tome 6.1 |
Chief engineer |
ParfenovV.V. |
Chief project engineer |
ShkrablyakN.S. |
Moscow 2012 |
Contents of tome
Designation |
Name |
Page |
67177-811/821-ИОС1.2 |
Contents of tome |
2 |
Structure of project documentation |
4 |
Certificate of conformity of technical data |
5 |
Introduction |
6 |
1. Characteristic of the protected object |
7 |
2. General provisions of implementation of relay protection and automation |
9 |
3. General technical requirements for microprocessor-based relay protection devices |
12 |
4. Technological solutions for optimal structure of relay protection of substations 220 kV and 35 kV Lafarge |
18 |
4.1. Relay protection of three-phase three windings transformers 220/35/6,6 kV |
18 |
4.2. Relay protection of switchgear 35 kV |
28 |
Designation |
Name |
Page |
Annexes |
35 |
Annex А |
Supposed composition of microprocessor-based relay protection devices mounted at the substations 220 and 35 kV Lafarge |
36 |
Structure of project documentation
on the title «Construction of substation 220 kV Lafarge»
Structure of project documentation is given in Tome 1 67177-811/821-ПЗ.
of conformity of technical data
Limited liability company «Setstroyproekt» confirms that, as far as it knew, submitted documents are complete, accurate and meet all effective requirements, including fire safety rules.
If the rules of technical exploitation, safety engineering and also the rules of explosion and fire safety will be followed, there will be no danger in the exploitation of constructions presented in this project.
Chief project engineer |
N.S. Shkrablyak |
This Tome is a part of the project «Construction of substation 220 kV Lafarge».
This Tome presents technical solutions of implementation of the relay protection and automation systems with microprocessor-based devices for the next elements of substations 220 and 35 kV Lafarge:
- three-phase three windings transformers 220/35/6,6 kV;
- switchgear 35 kV.
The is also a list of relay protection and automation functions and supposed composition of microprocessor-based relay protection devices (ABB, Areva, General Electric, Siemens, NPP «EKRA») mounted at the elements of the substations 220 and 35 kV Lafarge, which are listed above.
Developed technical requirements for relay protection and automation devices are necessary and sufficient for realization all the technical solutions presented in this project.
1. Characteristicoftheprotectedobject
1.1. According to specifications of technological connection with the electrical grid of OAO «UES FGC» from 29/12/2010, developed with usage of the application from 29/03/2010 № Исх-3-10/260 from ООО «Lafarge GEO» there will be construction of two single circuit high-voltage lines 220 kV Stany-Lafarge 1, 2 and the new substation 220 kV Lafarge which is necessary for the power supply of the cement plant.
Substation 220 kV Lafarge will be connected with the new power circuits of ОАО «UES FGC» in two points: the new feeders 220 kV of high-voltage lines 220 kV Stany-Lafarge 1, 2 at substation 220 kV Stany.
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