Nominal line voltage Unom = 100 V
Nominal 3U0 voltage Unom = 100 V
Rated thermal voltage 1,5×Unom (long)
One second resistance voltage 2,5×Unom
Rated 3U0 thermal voltage 1,5×Unom
One second 3U0 resistance voltage 2,5×Unom
Operating voltage range (0,005I1,5)×Unom
Consumption per phase at Unom < 0,5 V∙А
Consumption by 3U0 at Unom < 1,0 V∙А
3.3. Operating frequency of the terminals
Nominal frequency fnom = 50 Hz
Operating frequency range (0,95I1,05)×fnom
3.4. Direct voltage circuits of the terminals
Nominal voltage Unom = 110 V
Operating voltage range (0,8I1,1) ×Unom
Consumption at normal operating condition
at Unom (with no short-circuit) Pnom < 50 Wt
Consumption at short-circuit < 2×Рnom
Direct voltage ripple is not more than 6 % of average level.
Voltage disappearance or reduction below the limit for up to 0.05 seconds shall not violate the normal functioning of the terminals.
Connecting the terminals to the voltage of reverse polarity must not cause damage to them.
3.5. Binary inputs of the terminals
Nominal direct voltage of each input Unom.input = 110 В
Current of each input should provide the breakdown of the control contacts oxide film, so the initial current pulse should be IBI.pulse ≥ 50 mA, and then may be reduced.
Inputs should have no galvanic coupling with the internal working circuits of the terminal.
Binary inputs of the terminals, which receive the signals from the protections or devices located at the open high-voltage switchgear (namely, gas protection of the transformer), and their circuits should have resistance that ensures operation of the insulation control device (for earth faults in DC circuits), which has the threshold of 20 ohms.
3.6. Outputs of the terminals
Outputs should be contact type and have no galvanic coupling with the internal working circuits of the terminal.
Outputs must have both normally closed and open contacts.
Each contact must provide opening with next values of current: 1/0,4/0,2/0,15 A at the voltages of 48/110/220/250 V and time constant of the L/R circuit ≤ 50 ms.
Contacts, which commute circuit breaker trip circuits, must also ensure:
- closing up to 10 А (t =1,0 sec);
- closing up to 30 А (t=0,2 sec);
- prolonged current flow of 5 А.
Switching capacity of relay contacts, operating in the external alarm circuit, shall be not less than 30 watts in operating direct circuits with active-inductive load, time constant less than 0,02 sec, voltage up to 250 V and current up to 2 A.
3.7. The Terminals should have programmable logic between different protection, management and control functions presented in MP relays, and also between this functions and external protection, management and control devices.
In addition, there should be free logic elements, allowing adapting the terminals to the peculiarities of the substation.
3.8. The terminals should meet the following regulations:
- insulation level – GOST R 50514-93 (IEC 255-5-77);
- interference immunity – GOST 51317.6.5-2006 (IEC 61000-6-5:2001), «Guidelines for electromagnetic compatibility of secondary equipment and communication systems of the power grid» (SТО 56947007-29.240.043-2010), « Guidelines for the provision of electromagnetic compatibility of the power grid» (SТО 56947007-29.240.044-2010);
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