Roads, sidewalks and transportation services. To begin, what do you think are the most important issues facing our city in 2011, страница 87

Roads, sidewalks & traffic - Financial Advice

property taxes. 


Road tolls/congestion taxes like the most advanced world cities and continued requests to other levels of government for shares of gas tax/income tax.


Explore toll roads. Bring back the vehicle registration tax. Charge higher fees for larger vehicles based on engine size (since they pollute more and cause more wear and tear on the roads). E.g.. 8 cylinder and higher, $120. 6 cylinder: $80. 4 cylinder: $60. Hybrids/all electric: $25.


No, I do wonder why in the winter we have sidewalk plows, every citizen in Toronto (Exclude seniors) is and should be responsible for shovelling their own walkways. I myself clear neighbours and seniors walks in my area while others never do until the city comes along in these walk plows and basically covers the walks of the people that BY LAW cleared there owe.  I would like to know how much this costs the city when they (THE CITY) shouldn't even be issuing such a service. /  / Our roads and sewage systems are a mess only because of our city neglect and thoughtless planning when these issues should have been looked after YEARS ago, not until they break or are untravelable, not foresight in our city planning or councillor's....this wait till it breaks attitude AS TO CHANGE and fast. /  / Seems our EMS and TFS have fallen in rakes according to how we issue monies, equipment, services and staff and only our TPS seems to get the equipment, staff and monies to do there job, these are three VERY IMPORTANT services needed/required in a city such as ours and not one should have priority over the other when monies are needed to provide such a service. /  / We as a city are over staffed and this includes our councillor's, we should recheck our boundries and lower our staff/councillor's. /  / Lastly maybe we should look at other cities such as Mississauga and how they provide services to the city, haven't heard of many complaints or strikes there, this is your job for the week, get it done and no overtime


With respect to outsourcing: / 1. Private companies are not accountable to the public. As a representative government of and for residents, the City should provide services when accountability and integrity are important and when the service itself is more important than its profitability. /  / 2. There is very little evidence demonstrating that the private sector can deliver public services either better or at lower cost. Look at the privatization of the train system in the UK -- a disaster that led to both higher costs and lower quality; or of the electricity market in the US. Public goods and services should be delivered by public bodies without a profit motive. / 3. When considering savings from outsourcing, consider also the broader economic effects of trading good jobs for McJobs. What is the real social and economic effect of firing 300 heads of families in order to save $6mm on garbage collection? How can we say we value "good" jobs while eliminating them at the same time? As a resident and taxpayer, I'm willing to pay more in taxes and fees if it means city employees can earn a decent wage. That doesn't mean the ridiculous excesses of union contracts

e.g. sick days... just a balance. / 4. The most serious problem in terms of livability is traffic, particularly in and out of the city on the DVP and other highways.