Roads, sidewalks and transportation services. To begin, what do you think are the most important issues facing our city in 2011, страница 64

Roads, sidewalks & traffic - Financial Advice

them. / Implement highway tolls and inner-city road tolls. / Lobby the provincial government to restore transfer payments to cities to pre-Harris levels.


The city should refuse to pay police officers for paid duty in which they are working privately but wearing their uniforms, generally acting as the world's most expensive pylons while not directing traffic or doing anything useful.  The city should eliminate the ability of the police service to force community groups to hire their officers to provide security for community events at outrageous costs. The city would save some 5 million dollars per year, and many community groups and organizations would have much more money to spend on their core activities, instead of providing unnecessary security when there are no threats.


I think you should raise the cost of parking in the downtown core and charge vehicles an extra fee for driving in the downtown core.


Increase road tolls on major highways, particularly at peak times for non-Toronto residents.


Road tolls


Don't be so thrifty now that it costs us twice or thrice the amount to fix things later.  I would like to see services back to the level they were before amalgamation.  Either we all get sidewalk snow removal, or nobody does.  We need more bike lanes and more bike parking and fewer cars in the downtown core.  Community consultation is essential!!  NO MORE CONDOS.  


Road tolls.  Share of gas tax.  Getting rid of unionized labour.   / Better coordination - e.g.  I've seen newly paved roads cut open a couple of weeks later in order to repair or install underground services such as power, phone and water.  Get that stuff fixed and then resurface the road so that it doesn't deteriorate so quickly.


Stop paying cops to direct traffic at construction sites. All other cities hire dropouts and children to do that job.


Take a long term view. There are things that can't be  repaired later if you cut funding now -- if you allow a museum piece do fall apart  to save money on conservation, that can't be undone if there's a budget windfall in 10 years. If you don't provide literacy services to young children now, 15 years down the road it will be too late to help them. On the other hand, if there's no place to park today the damage is only done today. Build a parking spot tomorrow and the damage is instantly over and undone. Don't destroy things that cannot be fixed down the road. /  / Act with an eye to justice -- before cutting anything ask what affect it will have on the most vulnerable of city residents, not how much it will inconvenience those of us who are already quite privileged.


the city should focus on not selling off our assets for future generations, pay fair wages, and lead by example on all levels, raise taxes if necessary, user fees for certain things, possibly some toll roads, 


BIKE LANES - gas prices are going up. I Can't afford to get a car and pay for gas and this will get worse every year. add bike lanes and improve that because the bicycle population is just going to increase dramatically once people figure out selling their