Roads, sidewalks and transportation services. To begin, what do you think are the most important issues facing our city in 2011, страница 43

Roads, sidewalks & traffic - Other Important Issues


Lack of separated bike lanes.  Dominance of cars.  Cutting down trees. Pollution.


Pollution and noise caused by increased air traffic to the Island airport.


bike lanes - their creation on roads that don't have them and maintenance on roads that do


Cancelling Sidewalk Snow Removal - Return to holding individual property owners accountable to clear their own snow. / End of Driveway clearing should only be done in cases of high snow volume


Why spend money to remove bike lanes.  Seems ridiculous when cyclists are already facing dangerous commutes in order to save money or preserve the environment.


get a rid of Jarvis street bike lanes their doing nothing but causing congestion. Let the bikers have Sherbourne


Cut fees hiding as taxes. Make construction & road suppliers responsible for their work/warranty. Stick to approved budgets, overages covered by supplier. Cut city staff. Fire suppliers who do not comply. Eliminate city's fair wage policy. Private Garbage. 


a system of connecting bike lanes


speed limited on resident street / safety traffic issues


Raise taxes, don't sell off Toronto Hydro or Parking Authority


Adopt the TAC $25 plan and actually implement it. / Road Tolls!


Just one Pet Peeve: for efficient and environmentally friendly street cleaning, get rid of the "madvacs", those vacuum cleaners that miss 50% of the garbage they are meant to pick up, while blocking sidewalks and polluting the air.


Go back to issues and challenges that Provincial downloading imposed under the Mike Harris government.  Suburbs must pay their share of taxes - bring in tolls for roads, base tax on services used.


road condition is bad especially in downtown areas


Ensuring that we never lose our streetcars. They are as iconic to Toronto as the CN Tower! / Getting the homeless off the streets, stop them from sleeping on our downtown sidewalks.


Toronto has increasingly become a "ghetto" for our diverse population (including myself) and whenever there is a crises, those isolated and most-vulnerable, those are the first one to lose their jobs and feel even more isolated and with little support. I know there is limited resources for all the services but it would be great to pay attention to this issue as it may trigger bigger problems down the road. Lack of social service infrastructure in the former suburbs


Waste of money for off duty officers standing at job site ignoring traffic


Being proactive in terms of healthy living ultimately saves taxpayer dollars in terms of reduced social and health costs borne by the City.   /  / Keep expanding Toronto's biking paths.  More bikers, means less traffic, means better air quality, means healthier residents and means tax savings in terms of reduced infrastructure costs.