Roads, sidewalks and transportation services. To begin, what do you think are the most important issues facing our city in 2011, страница 52

Roads, sidewalks & traffic - Other Important Issues


public transportation is dismally lacking. there should be a link to the airport, and subways crisscrossing all across the city- look at cities like Munich as good examples. bike lanes need to run all across the city- the lack of them is the thing preventing me from riding everywhere.


Priorities need to be Police/Fire/EMS - remove the hiring freeze for the Police. Next - get the roads/sewers repairs - the infrastructure is a mess - and without increasing taxes this Survey is a waste of time. Paying with massive cutbacks is not the answer - part of responsible Government goes beyond no tax increase when politicing is over - it is not a reality


traffic congestion, public transport


1. We need more bike racks on reconstructed sidewalks 2. Need more support for cultural events in the city 


improving traffic congestion, not eliminating cars


budget, traffic congestion, accessible access to and from city


City-wide bikes lanes and safer bike lanes (e.g. on sidewalks, or separated from traffic). / More free things for kids and parents, downtown.


Healthy Living and Lifestyle / Recycling / Bike lanes


Air quality and gridlock.  Mortality rates due to air quality and other environmental issues.


Road tolls should be implemented across the city, especially for those entering the downtown core. / Fees for dog owners to address costs of fecal contamination of water.


Road maintenance/traffic; planning and development; 


Cultural diversity of population; poverty reduction; urban and transportation planning that truly addresses environmental issues and climate change;

infrastructure that supports active transportation, to counter health problems (e.g., obesity, diabetes, heart & stroke), pollution, congestion, etc.; 


Investment in cycling lanes to get as many cars off the road as possible. 


It is important to not be so bogged down in rules, e.g. parking street hockey, taking wine to the park during a birthday party.   For example, there are four different parking signs on the post across the street from my house, only the one related to winter and snow shovelling makes sense.  Lighten up, let kids play street hockey, its how neighbourhood kids make friends, don't assume everyone will act badly, we don't need a permit, special barriers and a policeman to have a street party and garage sale on sunny day.  If there was a problem, we are adults and could call the cops.  Seems like a tax grab. 


As the population changes in make-up and density the infrastructure needs to adapt.  Certain routes and roads in the city (King Street, Dufferin Street) are becoming almost impassable during peak travel times.  Simply adding more buses/streetcars is not improving the congestion.  Alternate routes or different transportation modes need to be considered.


Road tolls