Речевые стратегии лжи в современном англоязычном дискурсе, страница 5

(72) BUDDY (Into the phone): Hello? I’d like to reserve a table for two for tonight, please. Seven-thirty...Oh, you are? (He covers phone with his hand) He says they’re all booked up. (He snaps his fingers, back into phone) Are you sure you don’t have a reservation for me? Manheim? I’m with M-G-M. Yes, it is probably an overnight ... Would you? I’d appreciate that...Thanks, so much. Good-by! (He hangs up) Voila!( Simon, Come Blow Your Horn, p.86).

Бадди назвался чужим именем и сказал, что он работает на известную компанию (ImwithM-G-M), зная, что это произведет впечатление, и ему удастся заказать столик в ресторане.

(73) "Where you at, boy?"

"The Hawkins."

"… When'd you get in?"

"Last night," Dill lied. "Late" (Thomas, Briarpatch, p. 76).

Дилл приехал несколько дней назад, но, зная, что его друг может обидеться, на то, что Дилл давно в городе и до сих пор не позвонил ему, Дилл говорит, что приехал вчера поздно вечером (Last night. Late).

(74) “It’s very good of you to see me at short notice, Mr. Standish – but I’m sure you know what newspaper deadlines are like.”

“I know at least as much as I would ever care to know about newspapers, Miss Schechter, but – “

Well that’s partly what made me approach you,” lied Kate charmingly (Adams, The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul, р. 124).

Кейт разыскивает знакомого. Единственно с этой целью она пришла к мистеру Стандишу. Однако, она понимает, что визит в частную клинику с такой целью невозможен, поэтому она придумывает другую причину.

Б) Фальсификация (термин Д.Буллера и Дж.Бергун), под которой мы понимаем преобразование действительности при описания события. Мы разграничиваем полную и частичную фальсификацию. Под полной фальсификацией мы понимаем полную замену действительных событий вымышленными. Такая стратегия встречается довольно редко и, как правило, в разговоре  незнакомых людей (75) или в ситуации, когда реальные события невозможно проверить.

В примере, приведенном ниже, рассказ Фредди, работающего в полиции и пытающегося внедриться в криминальную группу, преднамеренно наполнен штампами криминальной жизни и деталями эмоциональных переживаний. Фредди дает детальное описание ситуации и своих действий, т.к. его целью является сделать рассказ наиболее правдоподобным.

(75) FREDDY ... this was during the Los Angeles marijuana drought of '86. I still had a connection. Which was insane, 'cause you couldn't get weed anyfuckinwhere then. Anyway, I had a connection with this hippie chick up in Santa Cruz… So I told her … I would take a little bit and sell it to my close, close, close friends. She agreed to that, and said we'd keep the same arrangement as before, ten percent and free pot for me, as long as I helped her out that weekend. She had a brick of weed she was sellin, and she didn't want to go to the buy alone. Her brother usually goes with her, but he's in county unexpectedly.

MR. WHITE What for?

FREDDY Traffic tickets gone to warrant. They stopped him for something, found the warrants on 'im, took 'im to jail. She doesn't want to walk around alone with all that weed. Well, I don't wanna do this, I have a bad feeling about it, but she keeps askin me, keeps askin me, finally I said okay 'cause I'm sick of listening to it. Well, we're picking this guy up at the train station.

JOE You're picking the buyer up at the train station? You're carrying the weed on you?

FREDDY Yeah, the guy needed it right away. Don't ask me why. So we get to the train station, and we're waitin for the guy. Now I'm carrying the weed in one of those carry-on bags, and I gotta take a piss. So I tell the connection I'll be right back, I'm goin' to the little boys room. So I walk into the men's room, and who's standing there? ... six Los Angeles County Sheriffs and a German Shepherd.

NICE GUY EDDIE They were waiting for you?

FREDDY No. They were just a bunch of cops hangin out in the men's room, talkin. When I walked through the door they all stopped what they were talking about and looked at me.