Оконное приложение для построения 3d-графиков квадратичной функции, страница 8

//          dd.mm.yyyy

#include "LMainThr.hpp"             // LMainThread

#include "LFrmWnd.hpp"              // LFrameWnd

#include "Resource.h"               // IDR_MAINFRAME

                                    // LMainThr.cpp   Page 02

    // INITiate INSTANCE:           (09.09.1999)

    //   redefined virtual function to initiate

    //   the instance of the Main Thread Control Block

    //   of the application program


BOOL LMainThread::InitInstance( void )


    LFrameWnd *         pFrame;     // Pointer to FRAME:

                                    //   pointer to the main window

                                    //   of the application

        // Create "LFrameWnd" object in the heap


    pFrame = new LFrameWnd;

        // Load the OS WINDIWS frame window

        // with corresponding resources

        // and attach it to this object

        // of C++ class "LFrameWnd"


    pFrame->LoadFrame( IDR_MAINFRAME );

        // Show the frame on the screen


    pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW );

    pFrame->UpdateWindow( );

        // Set up the created frame window as the main window

        // of the main thread of the application


    this->m_pMainWnd = pFrame;

        // Successfully finish the initialization

        // of the instance of the application


    return ( TRUE );

} // end function "LMainThread::InitInstance"

// EOF

// FILE               : LStyDlg.cpp


// PROJECT            : testing of MFC using dialogs


// PURPOSE            : implementation of the class

//                      "LStyleDialog"


// RefNo.   Date:       Who:    Detail:

//          dd.mm.yyyy

#include "LFrmWnd.hpp"              // LFrameWnd

#include "LStyDlg.hpp"              // LStyleDialog

#include "Resource.h"               // resources identifiers