Оконное приложение для построения 3d-графиков квадратичной функции, страница 10

    pRadioDash  = (CButton *)GetDlgItem( IDC_RADIO_DASH );

    pRadioDot   = (CButton *)GetDlgItem( IDC_RADIO_DOT );

    if (pRadioSolid->GetCheck( ) == 1)


        m_NewPenStyle = PS_SOLID;


    else if (pRadioDash->GetCheck( ) == 1)


        m_NewPenStyle = PS_DASH;




        m_NewPenStyle = PS_DOT;


    CDialog::OnOK( );


} // end function "LStyleDialog::OnOK"

                                    // LStyDlg.cpp   Page 04

    // ON RADIO SOLID CLICK:        (09.09.2000)

    //   process the pressing of the "Solid" radiobutton


void LStyleDialog::OnRadioSolidClick( void )


    LFrameWnd *         pParent;

    m_NewPenStyle = PS_SOLID;

    pParent = (LFrameWnd *)GetParent( );

    pParent->TryPenStyle( m_NewPenStyle );


} // end function "LStyleDialog::OnRadioSolidClick"

    // ON RADIO DASH CLICK:         (09.09.2000)

    //   process the pressing of the "Dash" radiobutton


void LStyleDialog::OnRadioDashClick( void )


    LFrameWnd *         pParent;

    m_NewPenStyle = PS_DASH;

    pParent = (LFrameWnd *)GetParent( );

    pParent->TryPenStyle( m_NewPenStyle );


} // end function "LStyleDialog::OnRadioDashClick"

    // ON RADIO DOT CLICK:          (09.09.2000)

    //   process the pressing of the "Dot" radiobutton


void LStyleDialog::OnRadioDotClick( void )


    LFrameWnd *         pParent;

    m_NewPenStyle = PS_DOT;

    pParent = (LFrameWnd *)GetParent( );

    pParent->TryPenStyle( m_NewPenStyle );


} // end function "LStyleDialog::OnRadioDotClick"

// EOF

// FILE               : Main.cpp


// PROJECT            : testing of the MFC

//                      using menus

//                      in MS Visual C++ 6.0