Grammar: Infinitive (forms and functions), страница 5

VIII.  Form verbs adding the prefix en- to the following words:

Large, rich, close, circle.

IX.     Form adjectives adding the prefix in- to the following words:

Effective, soluble, definite, separable, sufficient, variable, efficient, accessible.

X.      Translate into English:

1.Для дослідження морів і океанів використовуються спеціально обладнані кораблі.

2. Проведення цих спостережень вимагає довгого часу.

3. Одне з завдань полягає у визначенні рельєфу дна океану.

4. Для вимірювання температури води на різній глибині використовується особливий прилад.

5. Телевізійна камера, яка використовується для підводних робіт, заснована на принципах звичайного телебачення.

XI. Translate the sentences paying attention to different functions of "do":

1. The underwater television sets do help the scientists to see without any difficulty the bottom of the ocean.

2. The scientists do everything possible for the better knowledge of the ocean.

3. Their investigations do really expand our knowledge of different phenomena of nature.

4. Do you realize how long it takes to form every inch of the sea bottom?



Give a summary of the text.

In recent years underwater television has been introduced as an aid in the study of the ocean and underwater work. Apart from a few special features an underwater camera is based on the principles of ordinary T. V. cameras.

At present there are several types of underwater cameras to be operated chiefly at depths from 650 to 1,000 feet.

Connected to the viewing screen by a long flexible cable, the camera can be easily lowered by a crane and moved about. The cable connects the camera to its control equipment. A special intercommunication system is used for the diver to keep in touch with the control personnel.

The T. V. camera can be used for underwater exploration of marine life, television broadcasting as well as for inspection of canals, dams, turbine blades, and ships.

A tape recording may be made of the television picture for a permanent record. This makes possible underwater photography without film.