Grammar: Infinitive (forms and functions), страница 4

• By means of special devices we are able to take ... of soil and rocks from the deep ocean bottom.

• Special cameras can be used ... the ocean bed.

• Scientists are engaged in day-to-day weather watches and oceanographic ... made aboard ship.

III.  Translate the following international words without using a dictionary:

Technique, port, reservoir, temperature, instrument, echo, impulse, geological, kilometers, atmospheric, phenomena.

IV.  Finish the sentences:

 • Dozens of research ships of different nations ... .

 • Scientists are engaged in ... .

 • A special instrument is ... .

 • This device is based upon ... .

 • Moreover, a special meter is used to ... .

 • Their task is ... .

 • To form one inch ... .

 • Such pictures can ... .

V.  Make up pairs of the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:

1) research                                            a) phenomena

2) oceanographic                                   b) instruments

3) measuring                                         c) properties

4) magnetic                                           d) organisms

5) living                                                 e) ships

6) terrestrial                                          f) work

7) chemical                                            g) observations

8)scientific                                             h) field

VI.  Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:

1. Ships can sail thousands ... miles ... putting ... port.

2. Scientists have ... their disposal various instruments ... complicated research.

3. Sound impulses sent down ... the bottom of the ocean are reflected and accurately recorded ... a special receiver.

4. Specimens ... soil and water are taken ... the bottom ... the ocean ... various depths.

5. The formation ... one inch ... soil ... the ocean bed is a process ... thousand years.

VII.  Translate the following words and state their part of speech:

Practically, various, navigation, scientific, invention, magnetic, investigation, receiver.