Step |
Operation |
1 |
Check the outer package, if such things as serious damage to the outer package, water on the outside packaging box, or rust/water on the equipment is identified, stop unpacking immediately and find the cause. Then, feed back the situation to the local representative office. |
To protect the equipment and find out the cause, place the unpacked equipment indoor for proper storage and shot the site storage environment, the rusted or corroded equipment/packing boxes/packaging materials. Then, properly keep these photos and store the unpacked packing boxes as well as packaging materials. |
2 |
Insert one end of the ejector lever into the hold for the tongue of the wooden case cover and turn the ejector lever to straighten the tongue, as shown in Figure 1-4. Or use a screwdriver or a hammer to operate the tongue. |
3 |
After straightening all the tongues on the cover, remove the cover, as shown in Figure 1-5. |
4 |
Straighten all the tongues that join the wooden boards around the wooden case and remove the wooden boards, as shown in Figure 1-6. |
5 |
Take the cabinet out of the packing box. Remove the plastic packing of the cabinet and erect the cabinet. For the sake of safety, three persons at least are required for erecting the cabinet, one holding the cabinet bottom to steady it and the other two erecting the cabinet by the upper part. |
Figure 1-4 Straighten the tongues
Figure 1-5 Remove the cover
Figure 1-6 Remove the surrounded wooden board
1.5 Unpacking Subrack
The subracks that are transported separately from the cabinet should be unpacked on the engineering site.
The subrack is heavy, and two persons at least are required to move it.
Step |
Operation |
1 |
Place the subrack packing box horizontally and remove the iron sheet of the packing box. |
2 |
Use a crowbar to remove the cover from the packing box. |
Do not reach the crowbar into the box, lest the equipment should be damaged. |
3 |
Remove the plastic packing and erect the subrack. |
1.6 Unpacking Board
Generally, the boards have been installed on the subrack properly before delivery and are shipped together with the subrack. If they are placed in a carton for shipment (usually in the case of capacity expansion), they shall be unpacked for inspection.
Human electrostatic will damage ICs on boards, so be sure to wear an ESD-preventive glove when touching any board or metal component of the equipment at any time.
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