Dishes of the country Spain. Life of Spaniards at first sight one continuous holiday, especially these people in a condition to unite work with rest

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Реферат на тему:

«Блюда страны Испания»

(«Dishes of the country Spain»)


Студент гр.С.



Гомель 2010

Испанская кухня

Кухня Испании считается одной из ее лучших достопримечательностей. Однако нельзя не отметить, что как таковой национальной кухни здесь не существует. Каждый регион отличается собственным кулинарным колоритом, и гурманы делят эту страну на восемь условных гастрономических зон, каждой из которых есть чем удивить и порадовать любителя вкусно поесть.  Север – Страна Басков – знаменит своими рыбными деликатесами, например треской пиль-пиль. Здесь производят сыры и яблочный сидр. На Пиренеях вас поразят ароматная ветчина и великолепный соус чилиндрон. Кухня Каталонии считается более утонченной и изысканной, хотя именно здесь любят незамысловатое блюдо в виде натертых чесноком тостов с оливковым маслом и томатом. Но куда любопытнее использование разнообразных морепродуктов и рыбы: например, любая хозяйка из мелких осминожек, креветок, мидий, кальмаров может приготовить изумительные блюда для домашнего фритюра. А если вам посчастливилось отведать дорада ала сал, то есть рыбу в соли, вы долго будете вспоминать отменный вкус этого сочного, ароматного блюда. Доведется быть в Каталонии – не примените отведать жаркое касуэла и пикантные копченые колбасы фуэт с паприкой.

Из Андалузии вы захватите с собой воспоминания о знаменитом холодной супе гаспачо из томатов, салате из картофеля с апельсинами и луком, зажаренными на углях креветками и нежной ветчине хабуго. Здесь производят самое лучшее оливковое масло.

Valencia - Traditions the carrier Cleanly Mediterranean kitchen in which the most various components - a fish are fancifully incorporated, fruit, vegetables with stewed game. A card of this area - various dishes from rice, including it paella. As rice prepare with vegetables, meat, a fish and gifts of the sea, a siliculose string bean, a potato and carrots. In the center of Spain - the best sausages and dishes of meat.

Kitchen Kanarov - a combination of traditional Spanish recipes with the african and Latino the American. Here, just as in all country, fresh vegetables and fruit are welcomed a fish. From classics - dishes papas arugadas, the potato boiled in a uniform which moves with spicy sauce moio pikco on the basis of two kinds of an olive oil and green sauce moio verde.

On the native land of mayonnaise - Balearah - various sausages will remember an easy and air layer aisanmadas, including sobrasada, dishes from roast pork.

Life of Spaniards at first sight one continuous holiday, especially these people in a condition to unite work with rest, preferring the last.

We have heard, all about a siesta, but very much many people hope, to have pair hours of a dream in the middle of the working day. Here it in the nature of things. Many companies work in a unusual rhythm for us with 8 up to 15 (and banks - up to 14), and then - to have rest! Others work more but with a two-hour break for a dinner. And a dinner in this country - sacred. Spaniards like to eat, is tasty and slowly. That can be work after such food! The dinner, here very nourishing, therefore a supper happens enough late - approximately in 9, more often in 10 one o'clock in the evening.

Absolutely special place not only in the Spanish cold snack, but also and in traditions of Spain, borrows " ritual tapas (sharp snack) ". Tapas - traditional various easy snack which use at any time with beer, wine and other drinks. There are various legends about the invention tapac. One of them the habit to cover (tapac) a glass of a sherry narrates, about that that a layer of a ham which simultaneously was snack, has appeared in one bar of Seville. First " tapac", предлогавшийся it is free-of-charge, then, during occurrence of the increasing quantity of various snack - for the additional charge. There is other version according to which, again and again glasses with wine and beer for protection against importunate flies covered glasses sharp snack which wakens thirst - and on to it followed repeated orders. Gradually "tapac" has turned to an integral part of the Spanish way of life, and today it is impossible to imagine Spain without traditional " paceo and tapac " which it is possible to find walking on bars and tastings) .Typical "tapac" - olives, cheeses, a gammon, sausages, and also various salads.

All dishes are based on gifts exhausting vegetables and various

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