I.M.SNEGIREV was uncommonly плодовитым scientist, he has left 324 works, from multivolume publishing, before small article. Of them ensemble is denoted Moscow - "Monuments to moscow antiquity" and "Russian old fellow in monument church and civil зодчества" - an unique descriptions of the moscow priories, cathedral, церквей and civil works, been accompanied illustration, доносящими before us look lost monument of the moscow old fellow. I.M.SNEGIREV with its pupil and comrade by architect and historian Alekseem Aleksandrovichem Martynovym (1818-1903) has undertaken the attempt of the formation to first history of the Moscow, which was unchancy. Snegirev was a talented collector and публикатором fact, but not smog to rise on level of the broad generalizations. However, big заслугой this scientist is an active awakening the interest to church antiquity of the Moscow, broad development of the genre to church archeology. By the end of XIX v. nearly each moscow monastery and ensemble moscow церквей had their own history descriptions, included history to monasteries or temple, description his(its) monument, icons, vestries, graveyard, publication document.
The Enormous role in publications archive document on histories of the Moscow and старомосковского быта has played Ivan Egorovich Zabelin (1820-1908), became XX vv. one of the creators History museum begin at the end XIX- (the director with 1884) and founders his(its) enormous meeting. At the beginning initially XX v. I.E.ZABELIN preparation began on decision of the Moscow town Duma to fundamental publishing the histories of the Moscow. Two volumes material were released Under his(its) managament on histories of the Moscow, basically, concerning histories церквей and priories, but in 1905 left first that - engulfing begin Moscow (XII v.) and history Flint (basically, before XVII in.). The Plan to histories of the Moscow, conceived by I.E.ZABELINYM was uncommonly широк, but perform his(its) scientist not to manage because of old age and, probably, on that that in spite of shocking capacity to work, even Zabelin could not alone cope with this problem.
The Revolution 1917 has brought forth on the first plan of the other problem. In the first place, savings monument old fellows from casual ruin and conscious vandalism of the builders "new world". The Enormous role in this belongs to the society "Aging Moscow", formed as far back as 1909 as commission Imperial Moscow Archeological society on study of the old Moscow. The Chairman society prominent historian became with 1917 and artist Apollinariy Mihaylovich Vasnecov (1856-1933), work which on scene of the look древней capitals well known all us. Helped A.M.VASNECOVU in hard labour of the saving monument to antiquities prominent scientist, краеведы, historians, archeologists. 1920-begin 30-h gg. are considered "gold(en) decennial event of" domestic study of a particular region, studies to histories of separate terrain and city, than on the whole Russia actively concerned with already not separate scientist, but краеведческие society, like "Old Moscow". However, in medium 1930-h years study of a particular region захлестнула wave repression, directed against the best scientific power of the country. To voice of the public, protested against demolition of the priories, церквей and old-time houses and destruction graveyard already nobody from power holding did not be going to to heed, but scientist themselves waited the prisons, camp and references.
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