Other austrian diplomat Augustine Meyerberg (de Meyern) (1612-1688), visitted Russia in 1661-63 gg. already mentions in its labour "Journey in Moskoviyu" about prince Daniile Aleksandroviche and writes that prince carry capital from Vladimira in Moscow whereupon "Moscow with each daytime became the великолепнее on buildings, arrived in her more and more. Even and its name... she has sent whole Russia and all dwelling in her folk". Here, the author speaks of traditional name of the Russia in West Europe Moskoviey, but russian - an московитами. From позднейшей history of the Moscow Meyerberg recalled about epidemic of plague in Moscow, burning the city татарами in 1571 and polish intervention begin XVII v.
The Reported foreigner XVI-XVII vv. information on histories of the Moscow have important importance, but this only scintillas. They important, as was it already said, that that show the depth of the knowledges themselves russian about its past. The Name of the prince Daniila Moscow comes up for composition Meyerberga not accidentally. Exactly in XVII v. Daniil Moscow became more popular. In 1652 were обретены his(its) saint earthy remains and is installed church почитание. But recalled the prince in church ambience not only, but also in folk. At the end XVI-you begin XVII vv. arises the special literary genre - history "Tales of the Moscow" begin about. These tales well studied and are published. In the centre their - a presentation, about that that arising the city is connected with some important history event. The First two variants of the tales ("Tale about зачале Moscow" and "Folk legend about убиении Daniila Suzdaliskogo") link begin Moscow with romantic by legend about убиении prince as a result of intrigues "блудолюбивой of" duchess and her(its) lover. In "Tales about зачале Moscow" her(its) героем is a prince Andrey Bogolyubskiy, real murdered боярами, but not as a result of intrigues wife, but as a result of boyar cabal, in which, truth, his(its) spouse participated. In "Folk legend about убиении Daniila Suzdaliskogo" place Andreya Bogolyubskogo occupies the first moscow prince that already quite far from reality. In the centre of the tale of the tales - a nerve-racking attempts of the prince to take refuge from murderers and his(its) ruin, but play-off cognate: appears the brother murdered and executes the duchess and her(its) lover-murderers. Hardly not the most valuable moment in tales is a name of the murderers and their motives of the revenge prince, aside from passion to duchess. The Tales name the murderers Kuchkovichami, sons of the boyar Stefana Small circles, but begin the history with seizure YUriem Dolgorukim "red sowed;sown" boyar of the Small circle on Moscow-river. Certainly, in позднейших legend were reflected and some реалии - a participant of the cabal against Andreya Bogolyubskogo in 1174 were бояре Yak Kuchkovich and Petr, Small circle son-in-law. About most Small circle and realities of his(its) existence speech will go below.
Finally, the third editing "Tales of the Moscow" begin about links the author with the other legend - a grand duke Daniil Ivanovich (so!) meets on hunt monster - "beast треглав, VWVmake colorful пестринами, пречюден, is dyed", and, follows he get to shacks of the hermit Podona on grief, but in болоте sees the shack of the hermit Bukala. On place букаловой shacks is built Moscow, but on place of the mountain Podona - Podonskaya епископия i.e. хорощо familiar moscovitch крутицкий теремок.
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