Else one version of the origin of the Moscow and her(its) names have brought forth the ukrainian lovers of books XVII v., leaned;leanted on polish historiography XVI v. They linked the origin of the city not much nor little with biblical forfather Mosohom, son Iafeta, whine, progenitor european folk. The Alumnus Kiev-Mogilyanskoy Academies Timofey Kamenevich-Rvovskiy in 1699 wrote that Mosoh Iafetovich came to Scythian country, where on place of the Moscow and was settled, from what whole terrain so and was nicknamed. The Name of the Moscow from Mosoha and his(its) wife "Kvy", YAuza - from their "I" and дочери "High schools". "Sey Mosoh prince moscow бысть and началородный us and the first father not токмо Scythian-Moscow-is Glorified-Russian folk, but also all своесродным state премногим and folk and the grounds and племенам and knee Scythian"".
The Interest to this legends not event. The Fruits myth-history creative activity XVI-XVII vv. uncommonly robust. So, several years back even to appeared the project of the installing the monument boyar Stefanu Small circle. This is because without corresponding to preparation easy to believe that all that report the ancient texts - a truth. Meantime, it is necessary to distinguish давность origins of the information, understand that situation in which they were brought in летописные codes and handwritten collections, know how to reveal cognate literary and history plots, understand the life interests of the authors. Only then possible distinguish, where authors past decorate the history, but where доносят the scintillas of the truth.
The Ithaca, scientific study of the Moscow began in XVIII v. XVIII only and XIX centuries were, basically, time of the collection history fact. The Attempts of the generalization have approached at the end XIX centuries. Hereto time by works many scientist were carried in scientific turn, are published and commented many ancient chronicles, the documents, history folk legends. Developed and archeological prospecting, truth, much слабее, than study of the written sources. The First excavations on Moscow ground has undertaken in 1847 historian and нумизмат Alexander Dmitrievich CHertkov (1789-1858), founder famous CHertkovskoy libraries, formed kernel of the present State Public History library, being situated in Starosadskom lane. He has excavated the slavonic burial mound XII-XIII vv. and not only was able it is correct to correlate found in him subjects with ancient monastery Volga-Okskogo междуречья, but also has published the thumbnail sketch of the excavations with drawing of the things that therefor time was a feather in your cap. In 1864 in Moscow appeared the Imperial Archeological society, much done for study and guard ancient monument Moscow and Russia. Else earlier, - in 1804 Society to histories and antiquities Russian under Moscow University, the main by problem which became the study of the written sources and publication of the studies on domestic history. On page of the periodic publishing Society to histories and antiquities Russian haved something published the ensemble a material on histories of the Moscow. So, москвовед Ivan Mihaylovich Snegirev ((1793-1868) has installed verne a date first mentioning about Moscow - an April 4 1847
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