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850-year jubilee of the Moscow were noted solemnly. Her(its) history and glorious past were one of the main of that holiday. The Schoolboy has obliged to teach the history of the Moscow and москвоведение; appeared the special textbooks, mass of the publishing, beautiful, and profound.. The Interest to histories of the Moscow certainly increased (it is enough to recall the agiotage around mysterious Library Ivana Awesome), but know we her(it)? The Jubilee of the Moscow, happenning to for April 4 noted at September. Yes and date itself have somehow forgotten, about she remembered only specialists. The Other example: at April 1999 passed the town olympiad on москвоведению. In she took part best pupils of the moscow schools. On one of the questions: who was a first moscow prince? - one answered: YUriy Dolgorukiy, other - Andrey Bogolyubskiy. About saint благоверном prince Daniile Aleksandroviche Moscow - one of the protectors of the Moscow - have recalled a few.
At the end XX age person our city is changed with unpredictable velocity. Appear the new enormous buildings, shopping centers, monuments, area, roads. The History town centre already not to hear if compare to that that was ten years back. Well that Moscow gains more респектабельный type. But during scale functioning(working) the builders get through ancient cultural layer, break them, but a part disappears without leaving a trace. The Selfless labour archeologist saves for scientist persisting and future unique information about past our city. The Modern moscow archeology works with builder racing one another, with all legs to carry with all its scientific device ahead of scoop of the excavator. No wonder that far from all are studied since must. But in latitude of the building work there is and their own positive sides - a broad area, opened in most centre of the capital give rich material on древнейшей and medieval history of the Moscow. Some are an archeological objects even to manage музеефицировать - so is created unique "Museum to archeologies of the Moscow" on Manezhnoy area, which central exhibit are a full tilts Voskresenskogo bridge XVIII age. Choose time, descend in this museum and before You предстанет alive, овеществленное past of our city.
Moskvovedenie - a science about Moscow, not only about her(its) past, but also about her(its) persisting, about natural condition of the edge, geologies, flora and fauna, ecologies, population, economy of the city and area - a branch of the study of a particular region or regional history. The Bases of the domestic study of a particular region were mortgaged else scientist XVIII age - a creator to russian historiography Vasiliem Nikitichem Tatischevym (1786-1750) and Gerardom Fridrihom Millerom (1705-1783). They have introduced in scientific consciousness of the notion about that that history to any terrain, whether district borough or village not less important, than history ancient mighty state and dynasty. Thereafter, the scientist started to collect evidence about monument of the archeologies, histories, custom and rite, place names and name of the populated points, plants and animal that or other areas. So appeared the approach to histories determined region, which possible name complex, embracing whole collection of the information about edge.
Begin scientific study of the Moscow is also connected with name G.F.MILLERA. In 1765 he has moved in Moscow and has the Archive to Boards of the Foreign Deals. Miller tried to pay attention to multiple monuments of the moscow old fellow, began to copy the inscription on old-time bell and tombstone, went on Moscow province and interviewed the people about local достопримечательностях. The Become russified german created the base for study of our city. In this was reflected and one more the most most important line of the Moscow - her(its) ability to perceive, аккумулировать achievements of the cultures of the West and Orient. Not for nothing, else foreigner XVII v. noted that in look of the Moscow whimsical become tangled asiatic and european line.
Interest Itself to past of the Moscow arose as far back as средник age. If G.F.MILLER and his(its) followers have put(deliver)ed study to histories of the Moscow on scientific base, that foreigner XVI-XVII vv. looked at Moscow and Russia, basically, as common travelliers-watchers. But they have left the most valuable notes about their own journey, having reflected not only their own impressions about city, country and inhabitant, but also having retold mass of the information on histories of the Russia and Moscow. One of the most attentive and вдумчивых of the watchers austrian ambassador Sigizmund Gerbershteyn (1486-1566) was an послом to grand duke moscow Vasiliyu III in 1514 and 1526. "Notes about Moskovii" S.GERBERSHTEYNA - a detailed description to histories, geographies, internal and external position to Russia - published in 1549 subsequently were repeatedly republished and become своеобразным by guide to Russia for the whole западноевропейского of the world on integer century. Gerbershteyn in detail questioned the москвичей about histories of the Russia and even, possible, read the russian chronicle. The Result of his(its) prospecting became retelling main event to russian history, not always faithfull, but more valuable that that reflects the presentations of the russian people XVI v. about its past. The History of the Moscow Gerbershteyn begins with rules Ivana roast;make red-hot. This and understandable, founder might Moscow state was a memorandum inhabitant capitals XVI v., but more early events for давностью of the years изгладились from their memories. Gerbershteyn writes that before roast;make red-hot Moscow "was small and small". The Solving role in rising the Moscow, according to Gerbershteynu, belongs to the metropolitan Petru, which assisted the prince in fortification of political importance of the Moscow and has elected Moscow its residence. When Petr moderate;temper and was buried in Moscow, "that beside his(its) graves become be made miracle, and most this place became so famous in consequence of his(its) religious sanctity that all following государи, successors Ioanna, have acknowledged necessary to make here capital державы". So, wholly in spirit of the presentations of its epoch Gerbershteyn explained the reasons of the rising the Moscow.
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