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Great Domestic War
In the early morning on Sunday on June, 22, 1941 fascist Germany and its{her} allies have brought down on our country impact unprecedented in a history of army of intrusion: 190 divisions, over 4 thousand tanks, more than 47 thousand instruments and mortars, ок. 5 thousand planes, up to 200 ships. " On deciding{solving} directions of the approach the aggressor had the repeated superiority in forces. Great Domestic war of Soviet Union against fascist aggressors began. She{it} last 1418 days and nights.
It was the largest performance{statement} of shock forces world{global} мпериализма against socialism, one of тягчайших tests, ever пережитых the Soviet country. In this war was solved not only destiny of the USSR, but also the future of a world civilization, progress and democracy.
The history does not know more monstrous crimes, than what were made by hitlerites. Fascist hordes have ruined tens thousand cities and villages of our country. They killed and tortured Soviet people, not sparing women, children, old men. Inhuman cruelty which aggressors showed in relation to the population of many other occupied countries, was пре-взойдена in the Soviet territory All these crimes with documentary reliability are described in certificates{acts} of the Extreme State Commission on investigation of evil deeds of fascist aggressors and their accomplices and informed all world.
As a result of fascist invasion the Soviet country has lost more than 25 million person killed, ок. 30 % of national riches. More than 1 million Soviet soldiers was lost outside our country, releasing{exempting} peoples of Europe and Asia from фашистско-militaristic invaders.
War of fascist Germany and against the USSR had by its{her} allies special character. The German fascism aspired not only to grasp territory of the USSR, but also to destroy the first-ever state of workers and peasants, to plunge a socialist social order, i.e. pursued the class purposes. In it essential difference of war of fascist Germany against the USSR from wars which she{it} conducted against ' the capitalist countries has consisted. Class hatred to the country of socialism, aggressive aspirations and animal essence of fascism have merged together in a policy{politics}, strategy and methods of conducting war.
Soviet Union under plans of a fascist clique should be dismembered and liquidated. In his{its} territory it was supposed to form four рейхскомиссариата - the German provinces. It was recommended to blow up, flood Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and a number{line} of other cities and completely to wipe out. The nazi management{manual} emphasized, that actions of the German army should have especially severe character, demanded ruthless destruction not only soldiers of the Soviet Army, but also civilians of the USSR. Over soldiers and officers вермахта have handed памятхи in which it was spoken: «... Kill any Russian, Soviet, do not stop, if before you the old man or the woman, the girl or the boy, - kill, it you will rescue from destruction of, will provide the future of the family and will become famous forever ». (Century O.B 1941-1945г. The brief historical directory., M., 1990г., c45)
The German aggression against Soviet Union began to prepare in the middle of 30th years. War against Poland, and then campaigns in Northern and the Western Europe temporarily have switched a German staff idea to other problems. But also then preparation of war against the USSR remained in sight hitlerites. She{it} became more active after route of France when, in opinion of a fascist management{manual}, the rear of the future war has been provided and at the order of Germany there were enough resources for its{her} conducting.
Second time in 20 century the Russian state was able to large-scale war with Germany .И again such turn of events has brought sufferings to peoples of both countries Certainly that the reasons of these collisions are various However typically as Stalin and Гитлер at times equally interpreted their character as historical struggle "тевтонов" and "Slavs" the attention and similarity of political modes of military - mobilization economy distinguished by totalitarian character with wide application of forced labour Pays itself But at all it there were also essential distinctions in behaviour of two peoples and the states the Present aggressor Germany Its{Her} management{manual} purpose destruction of the Russian state and enthralment of his{its} peoples Russia never was all the same put forward declared the similar purposes concerning Germany It provided deep internal correctness of peoples of Russia in their struggle against an aggressor
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