Already at the first stage of war there is a consolidation of a society not on the basis of communistic ideology and on the basis of traditional patriotic values Stalin admitted to the ambassador the USA And Гарриману meaning people and a party{set}: “ you think they at war for us? There are no they are at war for the mother Russia From here and transition as traditional values in a political propaganda To them besides patriotic began to be ranked such as value of a house of family of personal fidelity Began even external "очеловечивание" a mode on which it{he} has gone under pressure of national elements
The western democracies as though having recognized a communistic totalitarian mode internal business of the country have gone on the union with it{him} hoping on the one hand to use huge internal resources of Russia for struggle with Гитлером and with another to neutralize Stalin in the future on the European political arena
"Очеловечивание" a mode however did not mean that there were basic changes in his{its} attitude{relation} to people That fact that the opponent has reached Volga (that never was you of the Russian history) and has been stopped by enormous losses directs at reflections about historical weaknesses and instability of a mode Both only enormous moral and a mental potential of peoples of Russia their long-suffering and self-sacrifice gave chance of preservation of statehood
Stalin remaining nominally infallible leader has been compelled to transfer completely almost actually a real military management{manual} of the professional militarian and a management{manual} of economy to professional organizers - business executives there Were spontaneous "профессионализация" a mode only ideological problems have faded into the background By huge human and territorial losses it was possible to give to war long character that doomed Germany to defeat as its{her} resource базаь has not been adapted to such war It the first world{global} has shown It the second has confirmed also
In the early morning on May, 1 above поверженным рейхстагом the Red banner which has been set up by scouts 756-th shooting shelf of 150-th shooting division of M.A.Egorovym and M.V.Kantarija, working together with the political worker lieutenant A.P.Berestom has shot up. On May, 2 the fascist garrison of Berlin capitulated. On May, 9 the Soviet armies have released{exempted} Prague rising against invaders - capital of Czechoslovakia. War in Europe has ended.
In the late evening on May, 8 in specially prepared hall of military - engineering school in Карлсхорсте, decorated with national flags of Soviet Union, the USA, the Great Britain and France, have gathered representatives of the Supreme commands of the allied countries, the Soviet marshals which armies stormed Berlin, journalists. Behind a table have borrowed{occupied} places the assistant to Supreme commander in chief with Armed forces of the USSR the Marshal of Soviet Union G.K.Zhukov, the assistant to the Commander-in-chief forwarding forces of allies the Main marshal of aircraft of the Great Britain A.Tedder, the commander strategic air forces the USA general K.Spaats, the commander-in-chief the French army general Ж.-î. Г. де Латтр де Тассиньи.
Soon in a hall representatives of the German Supreme command have been delivered. The first item{point} signed by them « the Certificate{Act} about military capitulation » said: « we who have underwritten, operating on behalf of the German Supreme Command, agree on unconditional surrender of all our armed forces on land, on the sea and in air, and also all forces which are taking place now under German command, - to General headquarters of Red Army and Simultaneously Supreme Command of Allied forwarding forces ».
The criminal fascist mode and the nazi state created by him{it} were finally повержены.
In Day of the Victory on May, 9, 1945. Moscow on behalf of the Native land 30 artillery volleys from thousand instruments saluted to armies of Red Army, parts and the ships of Navy fleet in honour of event which forever remain in memory of Soviet people and all mankind. The newspaper "Truth" wrote to that day: « On ninth of May! This day the Soviet person never will overlook. As it{he} will not overlook on June, 22, 1941. Between these dates has passed as though century. And as it happens in the national epos, for this time the Soviet person has fantastically grown. It{he} has grown so, that красноармеец, worth at a fluttering banner in Berlin, is seen to all world. We did not wait on twenty second of June. But we thirsted, that there has come{stepped} day when last impact will fall down the black monster offending a life from legs{foots}. And we have put this impact... Incredibly joyfully on soul today. And the night sky above Moscow, apparently, radiates reflection of that pleasure what is full the Soviet ground. We witness events about which it is possible to write тома. But we today contain them all in one word: a victory!.. »
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