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GREAT BRITAIN, Britain, United Kingdom to Great britain and North Ireland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), state in North-Zap. Europe, on British about-вах (about. Great britain and northeasterly part o. Ireland, o. Maine and Norman about-va). 244,1 thous. km2. The Population 59,4 mln. person (2000), in t. ch. 80% - англичане, 15% - a scotsman, уэльсцы (or валлийцы) and irishman. The Town population 89,1% (1990). The Official language - an english. The Majority верующих - a protesters. Great britain consists of 4 administrative-political parts (the history province): England (39 counties, 6 метрополитенских county and B. London), Wales (8 counties), Scotlands (9 regions and insular territory) and Sowing. The Ireland (26 counties). The Special mode is installed for o. Maine and Norman about-вов. The Capital - London. Great britain - a constitutional monarchy. The Chapter state - a king (the queen). The Legislative organ - a bicameral parliament (the house of commons and house of lords). Great britain leads the Commonwealth.
Great britain is washed Atlantic ok. and his(its) epidemic deathes.
On north and west dominates the mountain relief - a North-Scottish upland (before 1343 m), Penninskie and Cambrian mountains; in the south and southeast - холмистые plains. The Climate moderate, океанический, humid. The Average temperatures of the January from 3 before 7 С, July 11-17 С. The Precipitation before 3000 mms west and 600-750 mms on southeast per annum. The Main yard - a Thames, North, Trent, Mersi, Clyde, on north much lakes (Loh-Ness,
Loh-Lomond, Loh-Her and others.). In mountain - an торфяники; the вересковые heath. The Wood (the oak, beech, birch) occupy 9% territory to Great britain. Multiple national резерваты natures and parks for рекреаций (the Peak-Distrikt, Snoudoniya and others.).
In 1-m thous. before n. e. territory to modern Great britain occupied the celts. In 1 v. n. e. big part British about-вов is achieved римлянами, but after their care in 5-6 vv. - an anglo-saxon. After Norman conquest of the England 1066 were terminated process феодализации, been accompanied by political association of the country and centralization state authorities. In 2-y floor. 13 v. to appeared the english a parliament, was arranged class monarchy. The Centennial war 1337-1453 with France has brought about loss territory, achieved in France in 12 v. Development of the commodity-money relations and class fight peasantry (Uota Traylera rebellion 1381 and others) have brought (in 15 v.) to nearly full liquidation to personal dependency крестьян. In the course of Scarlet and White rose of the war(1455-85) was in significant measure is destroyed aging know. Rise new gentry (джентри), connected with the market, development капиталистических element has opened the way to determination of the absolutism (the horse. 15 - нач. 16 vv.). The process of the initial accumulation of the capital turned round In 16 v., which base has formed обезземеливание peasantry (refer to. Ogorazhivaniya.). At period of the Reformations(1530-e gg.) is created англиканская church. The English revolution 17 v. has provided statement of capitalism. In horse. 17 v. were arranged political parties - a tory and виги (in ser. 19 v. were transformed accordingly in Conservative and Liberal party). Lasted the seizure a colony), овевание Ireland began in 12 in.). The Long fight with France for trade and colonial hegemony was terminated in 18 v. victory to Great britain; the enormous holdings were enthralled in India and Sowing. America. As a result of Wars for independence in Sowing. America 1775-83 13 североамериканских colony were separated from parent state and have formed the independent state - USA. In horse. 18 - нач. 19 vv. Great britain - a main organizer coalition against revolutionary, but then наполеоновской to France. In horse. 18 - 1-y floor. 19 vv. occurred the industrial upheaval, in 1830-e gg. was confirmed factory system production, industrial bourgeoisie became the dominating class (the parliamentary reform 1832). Servitude is cancelled In 30-e gg. legislative in english colony in the Centre. America. To ser. 19 v. Great britain obtained the world industrial monopoly. In 1830-40-e gg. turned round first mass revolutionary moving the proletariate - чартизм. British congress тред-юнионов is created In 1868. In 19 v. Great britain was a most largest colonial державой of the world, realizable colonization to Australia, Nov. The Zealand having conquered extensive territory in Asia and Africa, terminated seizure to India, Egypt, leading wars against Kitaya (1840-42, 1856-1860), given national-liberation motion in India (1857-59), rebellion in Ireland (1848, 1867 and others.). The Reinforcement of the liberation motion in переселенческих colony (rebellion in Canada 1837-38 and others) has compelled Great britain to go on making the system dominion (1-y - Canada, with 1867). With the end 19 v. Great britain has forfeited the world industrial monopoly. Great britain has played the active role in making the Entente and in preparation 1-y world war. Great britain - one of the main участниц 1-y world war, as a result which she has got the much of the former german possessions in Africa and most territory, deprived beside Turcii. The Policy "pacifications" fascist aggressor (Myunhenskoe agreement 1938 and others), conducted government to Conservative party (in 20-30-e gg. nearly constantly beside the authorities), has relieved the Germany развязывание 2-y world war, in which Great britain has entered the September 3 1939. After hold up of the Germany on USSR, in condition of the direct threat of the invasion of the fascist troopses in Great britain, government U. CHerchillya has gone on military alliance with USSR. Together with USSR and USA Great britain was shown one of the main participant антигитлеровской to coalitions. In the course of disinteration of the British colonial empire independence have got to ser. 1970-h gg. nearly all english to colonies. After 2-y world war government to Great britain alternately formed the labourites (1945-51, 1964-70, 1974-1979) and conservatives (1951-64, 1970-74, with 1979).
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Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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