Great britain - an economic developed industrial country. The Share in VVP (1994, %): industry 31, agriculture 2. Mining (1995) to oils 0,96 mlrd. barrels, natural gas 71,1 mlrd. m3, coal 52,6 mln. metrich. t. Production to electric powers 334,5 mlrd. (1995), mainly on TES. Blackenning and colour metallurgy (14,9 mln. t steels and 252 thous. t secondary aluminum in 1992). The Leadinging branch to industry - machine building, in t. ch. электротехническое and радиоэлектронное, transport (авиаракетостроение, auto- and shipbuilding), tractor- and станкостроение. It Is Developed нефтеперерабатывающая, chemical (the production of plastic and syntetic resins, chemical filaments, syntetic rubber, chamois of the acid, mineral fertilizers), textile, пищевкусовая industry. Large shoe, sewing and others branches to light industry. The Agriculture м, provides 3/4 need of the country in provisions. The Main branch of the agriculture - meat-milk and milk stock-breeding. The Live-stock (1997, mln.) of the large horned live-stock 11,6, pig 8, sheep 42,6, fowl 131. The Greater damage stock-breeding in 1998-2001 have inflicted the epidemics an коровьевого fury and foot-and-mouth-disease. In plant growing dominates the corn facilities (14,2 mln. t wheats and 7,4 mln. t barley in 1992); возделывание is a sugar beet, картофелеводство. The Fishing. The Length (1997, thous. km) of the railways 37,8, автодорог 367. The Tonnage of the sea mercantile marine 8 млн (1995 gross-регистровых of the tons. The Main ports: London, Liverpool, Manchester, Milford-Heyven, Hall, Sauthempton, Immingem. The Export: machines and equipment, oil and нефтепродукты, product to chemical industry. The Main foreign trade partners: country ES, USA, Japan. Great britain - a large exporter of the capital. The Foreign tourism (ok. 12 mln. person per annum). The Money unit - a pound sterling.
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