Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

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directions for the administration of a drug are written on the signature.

5.  These drugs were ordered at the prescription department.

6.  The dose to be taken was indicated on a label.

7.  This remedy has just been bought at the chemist’s.

8.  They  have already translated this article.

9.  Yellow labels are being stuck to indicate drugs for external use.

10.Healing ointment was being rubbed in by my mother to relieve  pain when I entered the room.

11.The drugs had been ordered by 5 o’clock yesterday.

12.Laxatived will be administered orally if something is wrong with the patient’s stomach.

ExIV. Употребите следующие предложения во всех формах страдательного залога. Выберите соответствующий индикатор времени из числа приведенных ниже.

1.  This problem is discussed by the students.

2.  Blood pressure is taken by the doctor.

3.  A new grammar rule is explained by the teacher.

4.  Dinner is cooked by mother.

5.  The poem is learnt by the pupils.

6.  The patients are examined by the therapeutic.

Always, usually, often; in 1995 , yesterday, last week, the day, before yesterday; tomorrow, the day after, tomorrow in a week, next Monday ; now at this moment; at 5 o’ clock yesterday, when I came in; just, today, this year; by five o’clock, before his parents came , by the end of the month.

Ex. V.  Поставьтепредложенияв Past Indefinite Passive.

Model. The exercise is done.

             The exercise was done.

             Is the exercise  done?

             Was the exercise  done?

1.  English is taught at our Institute.

2.  Dictations are written once a week.

3.  They are often seen in the yard.

4.  The question is answered well.

5.  Are daily rounds of  visites made every day?

6.  What is corrected by the teacher?

7.  Vitamins are taken every day.

8.  Lectures are delivered in the morning.

9.  When  are mustard plasters applied?

10.When is a strict bed regime followed?

Ex VI.   Поставьтепредложенияв Future Indefinite Passive.

 Model. The cake is made by my mother

             The cake will be  made by my mother.

1.  The woman is taken to hospital.

2.  He is often seen here.

3.  We are often told jokes.

4.  Breakfast is always cooked by my sister.

5.  He is told about it.

6.  Football is played all over the world.

7.  She is often left at home.

8.  The children are put to bed in time.

9.  The final match is played on Sunday.

10.Sleeping –draughts are taken before going to bed.

ExVII. Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный

Model. They waited for him yesterday.

             He was waited for yesterday.

They will listen to the speaker attentively.

The speaker will be listed to attentively.

            They are listening to him.

             He is being listened to.

1.  They spoke much about the incident.

2.  They will send for the doctor.

3.  My sister will look after the little girl.

4.  They simply laugh at you.

5.  Somebody was looking for you during the interval.

6.  Nobody sleeps in the room.

7.  They listen to the teacher attentively.

8.  The doctor filled in my patient’s card.

9.  They are looking at the girl.

10.  They turned on the light.

ExVII.  Переведите на английский язык

1.  Об этом фильме много говорят.

2.  Над ним часто смеются.

3.  Этого учителя всегда внимательно слушают.

4.  Об этом концерте хорошо отзываются (говорят).

5.  Не беспокойтесь. За ребенком присмотрят.

6.  В доме не живут.

7.  Его всегда ждут.

8.  За врачом послали?

ExIX.Поставьте предложения в PassiveVoiceIndefinite.

Model. I stick a label.

            The label is stuck by me.

1.  A  poisonous remedy causes death.

2.  This healing ointment relieves skin irritation.

3.  The child takes cod liver oil.

4.  The doctor prescribes sleeping draughts.

5.  The patient takes sedatives.

6.  He rubbed in a healing ointment to relieve the pain.

7.  I bought a medicine dropper at the chemist’s department.

8.  He handed in a prescription for the cough mixture.

9.  The doctor administered laxatives.

10.The therapeutist heard moist rales.

11.The X-ray examination revealed lung troubles.

12.The doctor will check my kidneys tomorrow.

13.The therapeutist will put me on a sick-leave tomorrow.

14.My sister will apply a hot –water bottle to her feet in the evening.

15.They will attend lectures in Histology.

ExX.   Поставьте предложения в PassiveVoiceContinuous.

1.  The students are taking notes of the lecture now.

2.  The doctor is taking the patient’s blood pressure now.

3.  The nurse was giving me the injection of camphor when my friend            came in.

4.  My mother was having a scalding foot-bath at 10 p.m.

5.  The doctors wore carefully treating me at our out-patient department in winter.

6.  Our district doctor was making calls when I came to the policlinic.

7.  The doctor is checking the patient’s eye-sight.

8.  These patients were following a strict diet for two months.

ExXI.  Преобразуйте предложения в PassiveVoicePerfect.

1.  The overdosage of this drug has caused an untoward reaction.

2.  She had made the daily round of visits by 10 o’clock.

3.  We have just ordered the cough mixture at this chemist’s.

4.  They have already brought the patient to the dressing-room.

5.  The doctor had examined all the patients by 2 o’clock.

6.  They have sent for the doctor.

7.  They had finished this work by that time yesterday.

8.  They have not translated this medical article yet.

9.  Has he broken the leg?

10.  I have read an interesting book this week.

Ex XII.  Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыв Present, Past                               или Future Indefinite Passive.

1.  Bread (to eat) every day.

2.   The letter (to receive) yesterday.

3.  Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.

4.  I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday.

5.  I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday.

6.  Many houses (to build) in our town every year.

7.  This work (to do) tomorrow.

8.  This text (to translate) at the last lesson.

9.  My question (to answer) yesterday.

10.  Hockey (to play) in winter.

11.  His new book (to finish) next year.

12.  Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets.

Ex. XIII.    Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующуюся форму глагола:

1.  The patient will (bring, be brought) to the operating-room.

2.  The students will (examine, be examined) the patient under the guidance    of  the doctor.

3.  The patient’s wound will (examine, be examined) by the surgeon carefully.

4.  Classes in therapy (attend, are attended) by the students.

5.  We (attend, are attended) all the lectures and meetings.

6.  They can (buy, be bought) this remedy at the chemist’s.

7.  Mustard plasters can (buy, be bought) at the chemist’s department.

8.  You must (take, be taken) a tablespoonful of this mixture 3 times a day.

9.  This medicine must (take, be taken) orally.

10.  We (tell, were told) how to take blood pressure.

11.  The therapeutist (call, was called) to the patient.

12.  The surgeon (directed, was directed) the woman to the department of urgent surgery. 

Ex. XIV.  Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice:

1.  The book (to discuss) at the next conference.

2.  The certificate of education must (to hand) in on Wednesday.

3.  Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech.

4.  The lectures (to attend) by all of us.

5.  A taxi (to call) fifteen minutes ago.

6.  The poem was so beautiful that it (to learn) by everybody.

7.  It seems to me that music (to hear) from the next room.

8.  The appendix just (to remove).

9.  The patient already (to put) on a sick-leave.

10.  This kidneys (to check) now.

11.  The patients who are seriously ill and can’t come to the polyclinic (to examine) at home.

12.  This patient (to discharge) from the hospital tomorrow.

Ex. XV.   Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active или Passive Voice:

1.  Nobody (to see) him yesterday.

2.  The telegram (to receive) tomorrow.

3.  He (to give) me this book next week.

4.  The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia.

5.  The X-ray examination (to reveal) some troubles.

6.  Lung troubles can (to reveal) by the X-ray examination.

7.  The patient already (to feel) a relief.

8.  She (not to gargle) her throat yet.

9.  Your throat (to gargle) yet?

10.  Mustard plasters (to apply) to his chest now.

11.  Many poisonous substances (to destroy) by the liver.

12.  The liver (to store) vitamins.

Ex. XVI. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.  When was our Institute founded?

2.  What is usually handed in when we enter an Institute or a University?

3.  Are classes in Therapy attended by the Students?

4.  Where are all drugs kept?

5.  What is usually taken for headache?

6.  What is usually written on a signature are label?

7.  What can be bought at the chemist’s?

8.  When must injections be given?

9.  When must a strict bed regime be followed?

10.  What is the space between the lungs called?

11.  What is inspired when we breath in?

12.  What is produced in the human body us a result of body metabolism?

13.  What are the lungs covered with?

14.  Where is the base of the lung located?

15.  What is excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine?

16.  What is destroyed by the liver?

Ex. XVII.  Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения. Используйте правила образования страдательного залога:

1.  Всем студентам дали учебники.

2.  Нашу группу повели в музей.

3.  Новое здание института будет построено в следующем году.

4.  На занятиях по терапии изучались методы осмотра пациента.

5.  Наши студенты осматриваются сейчас в приемном кабинете 10.

6.  Правильный диагноз был поставлен до снятия электрокардиограммы.

7.  Завтра проверят мое зрение.

8.  Вчера мне сделали рентген грудной клетки.

9.  Когда студентов привели в терапевтическое отделение, врачи делали обход палат.

10.  Телеграмму только что получили.

11.  Мне еще ничего не сказали об этом.

12.  Когда я пришел, статью уже обсудили.

13.  Когда мы вышли из дома, за такси уже послали.

14.  Работа будет закончена в 6 часов вечера.

15.  Ему задали этот вопрос.

16.  Дом построен в прошлом году.

17.  Меня об этом не спрашивали.

18.  Вам говорили об этом?

19.  Ей сейчас говорят об этом.

20.  Когда я вошел, ее экзаменовали.

21.  В нашем городе строится новая больница.

22.  Когда я позвонил им, ребенка укладывали спать.

Ex. XVIII. Дополните предложения, употребив страдательный залог в предполагаемых временах:

1.  The work (to do) in two years time. (Future Indefinite)

2.  English (to speak) at our lessons. (Present Indefinite)

3.  My pen (to lose). (Present Perfect)

4.  The theatre (to build) three years ago. (past Indefinite)

5.  The magazine (to bring) from library before our lesson began

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