3. Dynamic of air pressure in the intake manifold.
where is the intake manifold volume
is throttle efficiency,
known static
functions, ,
are environment pressure
and temperature,
is the
specific heat ratio,
is the
throttle angle (
is the throttle bore
diameter. Equation (3) is derived from Ideal Gas Law equation.
4. Fuel to air ratio equation (output)
where is the fuel to air ratio.
5. Indicated torque equation [7]
. (5)
Thus mathematical model of spark ignition engine can be presented with nonlinear three-order differential equation with two outputs. Let us rewrite it in terms of control-oriented object (plant).
, (6)
, (7)
, (8)
, (9)
control signals: is the mass flow rate
of fuel injected,
is the throttle angle,
is the spark angle (correction signal);
state variables is the crank speed,
is the mass of fuel film,
is the air pressure in the intake
manifold. It is assumed that
are measurable;
regulated variables: is the normalized fuel
to air ratio in cylinders,
is the indicated
is the external load torque (disturbance);
are corresponding constants which are
calculated with the use of equations (1) –(5).
Problem statement can be formulated with the following expressions:
Air to fuel ratio stabilization
. (11)
Indicated torque regulation
where is a desired indicated torque.
2. Adaptive air to fuel ratio control
To solve stabilization problem with compensation of uncertain fuel path with the use of adaptive control approach [8, 9].
Thus the model of the air to fuel ratio dynamics is described by
equations (7), (9) where parameters of path dynamic ,
are unknown. The posed
control problem will be solved in two steps. First, with the use a special
observer we obtain a suitable parametrization (presentation of regulated
variable in the linear in unknown parameters form) of model (7), (9). Then we
design an adaptive controller via adaptive technique.
To derive a suitable parametrization we use the following filters [5]:
, (13)
where is a design parameter. It can be
proved that regulated variable can be presented as [5]
where the vector
of unknown model parameters and vector of
measurable functions
are defined as
. (16)
Modifying expressions (15) (16) and introducing control error
, (17)
new vectors of controller parameters and measurable functions
we obtain the following parametrized model of the control error
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