Aseconomiccriterion at an estimation of efficiency of the trailer on flat car service the relative change of total transport-logistical costs by compared variants of delivery of cargoes was accepted. Calculations for two variants were executed:
1) definition of efficiency of the trailer on flat car service on Belorussian railway;
2) definition of efficiency of the trailer on flat car service in communication Belorussian railway - Russian railways.
At calculations with the purpose of an establishment of admissible marginal levels of a railroad rate on the trailer on flat car service on Belorussian railway and the total tariff in communication Belorussian railway-Russian railways as variables at definition of total transport-logistical costs the railroad rate and the daily average freight traffic have been used.
A schedules of change of the economic criterion have been constructed on the basis of the leaded calculations.
The schedules represent surfaces of values of the economic criterion depending on the tariff rate on the trailer on flat car service and the daily average freight traffic, divided on two parts by a curve of indifference at values . For the best perception surfaces by two variants were projected on a horizontal plane.
The analysis of schedules shows, that the maximum permissible level of a railroad tarif rate on the trailer on flat car service by the territory of Belarus depends on a daily average freight traffic and less than the tariff rate existing now on Belorussian railway, equal 11,24 $/t. Value of the cost price of the trailer on flat car service on Belorussian railway does not exceed 6,5-7,5 $/т. Therefore, the Belorussian railway has an opportunity to lower tariffs on the trailer on flat car service by the territory of Republic. At the tariff rate 8-9 $/t for the trailer on flat car service on Belorussian railway and at a daily average freight traffic more than 150 tones (about 5 heavy cars in a day) the trailer on flat car service will be expedient.
The existing total tariff by the territory of Belarus and Russian Federation is equal the message of 29,5 $/t, that also considerably exceeds a maximum permissible level of tariff rates. That for economic profit of the trailer on flat car service in comparison with transportation of cargoes by motor transport, the total tariff in communication Belorussian railway - Russian railways should be no more than 15-16 $/t at a daily average freight traffic more than 150 t (about 5 heavy cars in a day).
Therefore, at an establishment on the trailer on flat car service on Belorussian railway the tariff rate at a level 8 $/t, the tariff rate for the territory of Russia should not exceed 10 $/t.
The nomenclature of transported cargoes, namely their cost, renders essential influence on economic expediency of the trailer on flat car service in comparison with automobile transportations, but at the big freight traffic the influence of the price is trial and periodicity of trains increases. Therefore, time of a turn from the moment of its manufacture till the moment of consumption is considerably reduced.
The qualitative criterion is characterized by such parameters, as the demand for transportations, the reliability, the flexibility, the availability, the presence of information, the integrated approach and other quality indicators by compared variants of delivery of cargoes which are inconvenient for expressing in the cost form.
The estimation of quality indicators is expedient for executing for three ways of transportation: transportation by supersize cars, the using of the combined train and the using the trailer on flat car service.
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