At the organization of loading of piggyback trailers without tractors cars are moving on autopassage, then they are turning around and forming up along of crane runways on sectors for loading them on platforms.
Piggyback trailers, that adapted for a vertical overload, load on platforms by the crane on trestles. The piggyback trailer should be uncoupled from the tractor and should stand on a platform of the terminal on wheels and special piles. The elevating crane grasps the trailer by tongs and lowers it to the platform vertically.
Drawing A.2 – The
scheme of movement of lorry convoys on cargo fronts and their arrangement in
places of loading
After the piggyback trailer will be arranged on the platform, workers of the terminal must fasten its wheels by the equipment of the platform, close the lock and prevent moving a basic saddle of the platform.
At the organization of loading of lorry convoys the cars after opening of all boards of platforms drive on platforms itself. Because they can drive on a cargo platform only along the platform (through a face board), it is necessary to build a face stage from a head part of the platform for convenience of loading.
For realization of the project of the trailer on flat car service it is necessary to have a specialized rolling stock. Therefore it is necessary to solve the problem of purchasing of a rolling stock and to define sources of financing, and also in whose property the rolling stock can be got.
The quantity of specialized platforms for the trailer on flat car service depends on a turnover of the rolling stock and periodicity of trains.
The turnover of the rolling stock from Brest up to Moscow is roughly 1,5 days. And the periodicity of trains in their turn depends on demand for the trailer on flat car service. Real demand for the trailer on flat car service can be established as a result their realizations during not less annual period.
For the organization daily train with 30 specialized platforms in rolling stock is required 120 specialized platforms. For train, which will depart once a week, 30 specialized platforms are necessary. At average cost of one platform 50 thousand US dollar the investments on purchase of 30 platforms will make 1,5 million US dollar. For daily train, that include 120 platforms, the investments on purchase of rolling stock will make 6,0 million US dollar. Except for that in this dissertation the time of viability of platforms in depending for demand on the trailer on flat car service and for periodicity of the departing of trains and also on the condition that the tariff rate on the trailer on flat car service will be lowered up to 8-9 US dollars for one tone has been defined.
According to the forecasted time of viability of platforms the project of use the trailer on flat car service on the route Brest-Moscow has appeared inefficient. Besides investments into such constructions as entrances to high loading platforms, reconstruction of loading platforms, their maintenance in proper condition, etc. At the account of these investments the efficiency of the trailer on flat car service will decrease more.
In the degree project the estimation of the efficiency of application of the trailer on flat car service on the route Brest-Moscow has been done.
For comparison of variants of delivery of cargoes on the route Brest-Moscow by motor transport and with use of the trailer on flat car service is applied the mixed criterion of the competitiveness, including two components:the economic criterion defined on the basis of the analysis of cost indexes of variants of delivery of cargoes, andthe qualitative criterion defined on the basis of a method of expert estimations, describing the quality of the service of the transport-technological system.
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