The reducing may be continued until the expressions in a form (28.8) appear in internal parenthesis.
, (28.8)
where xpÎ{x1,…,xL}, Ym, YnÎ{Y1,…,YT+1}.
The obtained formula is called the parenthetic transition formula, and the system of formulas in a form of (28.7 is called the system of parenthetic transition formulas.
After the algorithm is represented by the system of parenthetic transition formulas, it is easy to obtain the GSA.
It is clear, each expression in the form (28.8) corresponds to a subgraph depicted in the Fig. 28.1 of the GSA.
Figure 28.1 – A subgraph corresponding to the expression (28.8)
Figure 28.2 - The subraph corresponding to the formulas (28.10)
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