Working program of course “Control theory fundamentals”

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Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.

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Содержание работы



Electronic computers department


of course  “Control theory fundamentals”

of direction 552800 “Informatics  and  datamation”

speciality 220100 “Computers, computer complexes, systems and networks”

for foreign students

Tula 2000

Working program composed on the base of State educational standard of higher education (1997) and on the base of work study plan of speciality .

Рабочая программа создана  на основе государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования (1997) и на основе рабочего учебного плана специальности.

Составитель программы – доцент каф. ЭВМ Лебеденко Ю.И.

Программа обсуждена на заседании кафедры ЭВМ факультета кибернетики

Протокол №    8  от «_9_» марта 2000 г.

Заведующий кафедрой  ЭВМ

_______________В.С. Карпов

1.Aims of course, it’s place in studying complex

1.1.Aim of automatic control theory course studying is  to promote general technical and engineer qualification of  computer specialist . This course able to serve  as a useful manual for researches and developments in  application area. For example, it can be useful in development of hardware and software of computer closed-loop control  systems.

1.2.The main goal of learning process  for students is to accept fundamentals of  research and simulation of dynamic systems, to get  practical skills in calculation of different classes automatic systems characteristics .

1.3.After course studying student must

-to get an idea of control fundamentals, general principles of systems mathematics models,  about classification of automatic systems, about controllability and observability terms;

-to know main principles  of construction and functioning of systems, methods of control systems analysis and synthesis, optimization principles;

-to be able to  calculate control loops of linear and non-linear systems, to generate practical recommendations for optimal variant of automatic system construction.

1.4.Automatic control theory course  studying based on knowledge from courses “Higher mathematics” , “Probability theory”, “Information theory fundamentals”.

2. Study hours distribution in semesters and lessons type


Lesson type

At all hours

Type of control


Laboratory works





Credit test

3.Lectures contents and their value (in hours)

3.1.Introduction. Course aims, connections with previously studied courses. Literature. - 0.5 h.  Automatic control systems classification. Automatic control theory foundations and goals. – 1.5 h.

3.2. Types of control and disturbing actions. Continuous and  discrete signals.

Determined and accidental actions – 2 h.

3.3. Dynamic characteristics of  continuous linear stationary systems. Transient response and impulse transient response, connection between them. Frequency characteristics of linear stationary automatic control systems. Image and real characteristics.  Linearization. Systems properties demands. – 4h.

3.4. Automatic control systems differential equations composition. Transcription in relative units. Links decomposition method. –3 h.

3.5. Automatic control systems differential equation resolution methods. Operator methods. Laplace  transform. – 4 h.

3.6. Automatic control systems differential equation results. Simple, zero and multiple roots. Forced and free motions of  linear system. Stationary and transient processes. Superposition principle. – 2 h.

3.7. System transfer function. One-side Fourier transform. Main types of links connections. – 2 h.

3.8. Block-diagrams transformation. Transfer functions of open-loop and closed-loop automatic systems. – 2 h

3.9. Transfer functions and dynamic characteristics of elementary links. – 2 h.

3.10. Logarithmic frequency characteristics. Frequency characteristics of  main elementary  link types. Building of log-decibel system characteristic. – 4 h.

3.11. Stability analysis  of  continuous linear stationary systems. Algebraic and frequency stability criteria. Using of decibel-log characteristic. – 4 h.

3.12.Control quality analysis in continuous linear stationary systems. Precision definition. – 3 h.

3.13.Linear automatic control systems dynamic characteristics correction methods. Error  signal transformation. Invariant principle. Correction devices synthesis. –3 h.

3.14. Discrete linear stationary  automatic control systems. Research methods. Difference equation. Z-transform. Stability and control quality in sampled-data systems. – 4 h.

3.15. Digital automatic control systems. Main equations and analysis methods. Stability and precision in digital systems. Synthesis of control systems with digital computer. Discrete correction. Combined control. – 6 h.

3.16. Adaptive automatic control systems. Adaptation algorithms.  Parameter optimization. Dynamic programming. Systems of extreme control. Self-adapting systems. – 4 h.

At all – 51 hours.

4. Tutorials – not present.

5. Practical (seminar) works – not present.

6.Laboratory works

6.1.Elementary links of dynamic  systems. Time characteristics of links. – 4 h.

6.2.Frequency characteristics of linear dynamic systems. – 2 h.

6.3.Stability analysis of linear dynamic systems. Quality of automatic systems. – 4 h.

6.4.Sampled data automatic control systems. – 4 h.

6.5. Optimal and adaptive control systems. – 3 h.

At all – 17 hours.

7. Course work – not present.

8. Literature list

1.Tou J.T. Modern Control Theory. McGrow-Hill, New York, 1964.

2.Zadeh L.A., Desoer C.A., Linear System Theory. McGrow-Hill, New York, 1963.

3.Tou J.T., Digital and sampled-data control systems. . McGrow-Hill, New York, 1959.

4. Wiener N. Cybernetics or control and communication in the animal and the machine. The Technology press, New York, 1949.

5.Бесекерский В.А., Попов Е.П. Теория систем автоматического управления. М.: Наука, 1972,- 768 с.

6. Васильев Д.В., Чуич В.Г. Системы автоматического управления.  М .: Высшая школа , 1967. – 419 с.

7.Сапожников Р.А. Основы технической кибернетики. М.: Высшая школа, 1970. – 464 с.

8.Задачник по теории автоматического управления. Под общей ред. А.С. Шаталова. М.: Энергия, 1971. – 496 с.

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Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.

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Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.

Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.

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