The questionnaire № ___
Surname, name of the interviewer:
Time of the beginning of interview:
Time of the termination of interview:
1. This your first visiting of shop KIABI?
I. Yes
2. Whether you planned to visit shop KIABI?
II. No
Where you have heard about shop KIABI (source)?
through mail box
B) an investment in the newspaper «TeleSem»
on advertising racks in popular places of city
from hands of promoters
E) in store
4. Whether viewing of catalogue KIABI has affected your decision to visit shop?
I. Yes
II. No
If yes, tell, whether you made purchases in shop KIABI on offers specified in the catalogue?
I. Yes
II. No
If is not present, specify, please, the reason on which you did not have a desire to make purchase on the specified offers in the catalogue____________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Please, estimate shop KIABI to following signs:
Signs |
1. Perfectly |
2. Well |
3. Satisfactory |
4. Below expectations |
5. The opinion is absent |
I. Design of a show-window |
II. Cleanliness |
III. Quantity of baskets at the moment of shop visiting |
IV. Fitting rooms (quantity) |
V. Fitting rooms (location) |
VI. Quantity of cash desks |
7. You have visited what departments of shop?
Department for newborns
Man's department
IV. Children's department
8. In what department (ah) you planned to get the goods?
I. Female
II. Department for newborns
III. Man's department
IV. Children's department
9. How many the goods you have got in each department?
a) 0 |
b) 1 |
c) 2 |
d) 3-5 |
e) >5 |
I. Female departmen |
II. Department for newborns |
III. Man's department |
IV. Children's department |
10. Please, estimate following signs of service in shop KIABI:
1. Perfectly |
2. Well |
3. Satisfactory |
4. Below expectations |
5. The opinion is absent |
I. Quality of service |
II. Speed of service |
III. Separate cash desk for the future mums |
IV. Special cash desk for special clients |
V. Service of an exchange, the refund |
VI. Service of reservation of the goods |
11. What, in your opinion, it is necessary to improve in shop service?
12. What is the time you have spent in shop KIABI? ____________________________________________________________
13. Whether you made purchases in section of female linen?
I. Yes
II. No
14. If made, estimate, please, section of female linen on following indicators:
1. Perfectly |
2. Well |
3. Satisfactory |
4. Below expectations |
5. The opinion is absent |
I. Assortment of the goods |
II. Quality of the goods |
III. The price |
IV. Fashion |
V. Style |
VI. Colour |
VII. Fabric |
15. Please, estimate shop KIABI lady's wear on following indicators:
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