1. For you |
2. For your child |
I. Shopping centre |
II. Separate specialised shop |
III. Hypermarket |
IV. The open market |
V. Sekond-hend |
VI. I take from acquaintances |
VII. Another, please, specify what |
28. What mark of shop is attractive to you and your children?
Frequency of purchase |
1. Never |
2. Seldom (it is less, than once a year) |
3. Casually (less than 3 times a year) |
4. Often (some times each three months) |
5. Very often (almost every month) |
I. The European, American marks (Italy, Spain, France, the USA, England etc.) |
II. The Asian marks (China, Japan etc.) |
III. The Russian marks (Moscow, Novosibirsk etc.) |
Specify the name of 3-5 shops where you make purchases of clothes for you and your children:
29. How often you get the goods in clothes shops?
I. Each 2 weeks
II. Once a month
III. Once in 3 months
IV. Each 3-6 months
V. Once in a floor of year
VI. Once a year
30. How many monthly you get things?
Quantity of the bought things |
I. For you |
II. For your child |
31. How much attractively you estimate the French fashion?
The excellent
II. Well
III. Satisfactory
IV. Below expectations
V. The opinion is absent
32. Please, specify the closest situation for you
I. I buy clothes one
II. I buy clothes with the friend
III. I buy clothes with several friends
IV. I buy clothes with children
V. I buy clothes with a family
33. On what type of transport you reach shopping centre?
I. Public transport (the bus, a
trolley bus, a fixed-route taxi)
Public transport (underground)
II. Motorcycle/bicycle
III. Taxi
The private car
V. On foot
VI. Another, please, specify what _______________________________________________________________________________________________
34. You live in what area?
I. Zaeltsovsky
II. Kalininsky
III. Kirovsky
V. Sovetsky
VI. Pervomaysky
VIII. Oktjabrsky
IX. Centralniy
X. Geleznodorogniy
35. What is the time you spend for road from the house to shopping centre «Sibirsky Moll»?
<15 minutes
15-30 minutes
III. 30-45 minutes
IV. 45-60 minutes
V. >60 minutes
36. How you estimate shop KIABI sites?
I. The excellent
II. Well
III. Satisfactory
IV. Below expectations
V. The opinion is absent
37. How often you visit shopping centre «Sibirsky Moll»?
I. More than once in a week
II. Once a week
III. Once in two weeks
IV. Once a month
V. Less an once in a month
38. In «Sibirsky Moll» you visit what shop more often?
I. Supermarket
II. Clothes shop
IV. The children's entertaining centre
V. Cinema
VI. Another, please, specify what __________________________________________________________________________________________
39. What, in your opinion, it is necessary to improve in shops KIABI?
40. You belong to what age group?
IV. 46-55
V. 56-65
Please, specify your monthly size of the income?
I. 5001 – 7000 roubles
II. 7001 – 10000 roubles
10001 – 15000 roubles
15001 – 20000 roubles
20001 – 25000 roubles
25001 and more roubles
42. Specify, please, your marital status?
I. Single
II. Married
43. You have children?
I. Yes
II. No
44. If yes, please, specify, how many and what they of age?
Age |
Floor |
Age |
Floor |
Age |
Floor |
I. 1 |
II. 2 |
III. >2 |
Whether you confirm readiness to receive the information on new marketing offers KIABI?
I. Yes
II. No
If yes, please, leave your contacts: a surname, a name, a mobile phone
We thank for participation!
Уважаемый посетитель!
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