The use case starts when the Order Administrator has requested the system to display all orders. The system then shows a list of the current registered orders.
The actor can at any time select (or deselect) orders displayed in the list and do the following:
· Create a new order (see Create a New Order)
· Remove an order (see Remove an Order)
· Update the information about an order (see Update an Order)
The actor has requested the system to create a new order. The system assigns a unique order identity to the new order and presents the following information:
· Order identity
· Customer (default)
· Order rows (empty)
· Total sum (=0)
The system requests the actor to enter the following information about the new order:
· Customer
· For each order row:
- Article type
- Quantity
At any time the actor can create (see Create Order Row), remove (see Remove Order Row) or update (see Update Order Row) an entered order row or change customer. When the ordered quantity of an order row is updated and saved, the new order sum is displayed.
The actor can choose to save the information or cancel the operation. If the actor decides to save the information, the new order is created, the information is saved, and the displayed list of orders is updated.
If the actor decides to cancel the operation, any created order rows are deleted and the backlog of the corresponding article types are updated.
The actor has requested the system to remove one or several selected orders.
The actor is prompted to accept or cancel the operation. If the actor accepts the operation, the system removes the order(s) from the system, updates the article backlogs, and updates the displayed list of registered orders.
The actor has requested the system to change the registered information about an order. The system presents the following information about the selected order:
· Order identity
· Customer
· For each order row:
- Article type
- Ordered quantity
At any time the actor can remove (see Remove Order Row) or update (see Update Order Row) an entered order row or change customer. When the ordered quantity of an order row is updated, the new order sum is displayed.
The actor can choose to save the information or cancel the operation. If the actor decides to save, the changed information is saved.
If the actor decides to cancel the operation, any created order rows are deleted and the backlog of the corresponding article types are updated.
The actor can choose to save the information or cancel the operation. If the actor decides to save the information, the new order row is created, the ordered quantity is saved, the backlog of the selected article type is increased, and the displayed list of order rows is updated.
The system deletes the selected Order Row and updates the backlog of the corresponding article type accordingly.
The actor can choose to save the information or cancel the operation. If the actor decides to save the information, the new quantity is saved, the backlog of the selected article type is updated accordingly.
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