Перевод текста и диалогов по теме: "Relationship building", страница 2

Smirnov:   By the way, John. You and I have just used the names as it is accepted by North-Americans, Swedes, Spanish and, of course,Russians. All of them will generally move to the first names at an early stage in a business relationship. On the other hand, Germans and Japanese will rarely use first names outside circles of family and close friends. I m sorry, John, for interrupting and now, please, go on with your example of cross-cultural differences.

Crow:With pleasure, Andrew. What I have in mind is the amount of touching which is acceptable in

different countries or more precisely in different cultures. This also shows great variety and, of course,  depends on the gender of the participants. In general, Latin American cultures permit more physical contact between men than, for example, Anglo-Saxon cultures. The distance at which two people stand from each other also differs. In Latin American and Arab countries, people generally stand closer together when talking than Europeans or Americans do.

Lewis:        And it goes without saying that whatever the country, one has to avoid controversial topics at an early stage of the negotiation. However, the conventional 'taboo' topics of politics and religion may be acceptable if you concentrate on information-gathering type questions rather than questions which require comment or criticism. For example, "How is your president elected?" rather than "Why does your President have such a long term of office?"

Popov:       Certainly, there is no end of behavior patterns like these. This is your first visit to Russia, isn't it?

Crow:        No, it is not my first visit. I was in Moscow some years ago.

Popov:       Ah, in Moscow? Were you on holiday there?

Crow:Yes, that's right. My wife and I were there visiting some East-European


Popov:       Oh, really? What impressed you most of all?

Crow:You don't believe, but I was impressed by Russian cooking.

Popov:       Well, we are in the same boat. I like it too. I even do a bit of Russian cooking myself.

Crow:        Amazingly! Is it common for Russian men to cook?

Popov:       No, it isn't. It's simply my personal hobby.

Lewis:        As for me, I've never been to Russia. Unfortunately this is only a short business trip, so we won't be able to see very much.

Popov:       That's true, and it's a very large country. But we'll certainly try to show you something of the city. And I hope, anyway, that this will be the first of many visits.

Lewis:        Indeed. So do we. And there will be an excellent opportunity for us to find out how business relationship is usually built up in Russia.

Popov:       Well, moving on then to the more immediate reason for our meeting today I’d like to suggest we start our talking tomorrow in our office at 10 a.m. Does that sound OK?

Lewis:        Yes, that's fine with us.

Popov:       Good. Then tomorrow at 9 30 a.m. Andrew will be waiting for you at the entrance of the hotel to drive you to our office.

Lewis:        OK, that would be helpful.

Popov:       So, see you tomorrow. Have a good night!

Lewis:        Thank you. See you tomorrow too.

Отношения здание

Гарри Льюис и Джон Кроу, менеджер по закупкам из "Льюис и сын" посещают Санкт-Петербург, чтобы встретиться с представителями "Пармы службы управления". Целью визита является переговоры о возможной покупке системы управления для клапанов из "Пармы Control Service".

Первый контакт между двумя сторонами имеет место в гостинице в Санкт-Петербурге. Один из русских из "Пармы службы управления" идет навстречу их в отель. Обе стороны (британский и русский) хорошо осведомлены о важности, что первое впечатление может дать. Таким образом, они пытаются сделать хорошую атмосферу перед реальным переговорам начать. Такие построения отношений часто может установить климат для всей переговоров.