The Past Continuous Tense. The Future Continuous Tense. Розмовна тема: "Agricultural Professions"

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Фрагмент текста работы

ознайомити з лексикою по темі “Сільськогосподарські професії”, тренувати у читанні та обговоренні тексту по темі.


Минулий тривалий час / ThePastContinuousTense

1.Утворення минулого тривалого часу.

ThePastContinuousTenseутворюється з допоміжного дієслова tobeв Past Indefinite та дієприкметника теперішнього часу (Present Participle) основного дієслова.

+ S + was (were) Ving

He was working in the garden.

- S + was (were) not Ving

He was not (wasn’t) working in the garden.

? Was (Were)  S  Ving …?

Was he working in the garden?

?/W was (were) S Ving…?

Where was he working?

Who was Ving …?

Who was working  in the garden?

2.Вживання минулого тривалого часу.


а) для вираження дії, що відбувалася, тривала в певний момент у минулому. На час дії звичайно вказують обставинні слова attwooclock, atmidnight, atthatmomentабо підрядні речення з дієсловом-присудком у Past Indefinite:

e.g. He was working at his English at that time.

Carrie was sitting by the window when he came in.

Він працював над англійською в той час.

Керрі сиділа біля вікна, коли він увійшов.

б) для вираження дії, що тривала протягом якогось періоду часу в минулому:

e.g. In the spring of the year 1881 he was visiting his old school-fellow.

Навесні 1881 року він гостював у свого старого шкільного товариша.

1.Make the following interrogative and negative.

1.She was standing alone in front of the fire. 2.They were crossing the street at the wrong place. 3.I was listening to their conversation. 4.They were talking about our party. 5.George was preparing for his examination the whole day. 6.She was playing the piano when you came in. 7.The students were listening to the lecture at six. 8.Their son was going to be a painter.

2.Here is a list of some things that Ann did yesteday (and the time at which she did them).

1. 8.45 – 9.45 had breakfast

2. 9.15 – 10.00 read the newspapers

3. 10.00 – 12.00 cleaned her flat

4. 12.45 – 1.30 had lunch

5. 2.30 – 3.30 washed some clothes

6. 4.00 – 6.00 watched television

Now write sentences saying what she was doing at these times.

1.At 9 o’clock she was having breakfast.

2.At 9.30 she _____________________

3.At 11 o’clock ___________________

4.At 1 o’clock ____________________

5.At 3 o’clock ____________________

6.At 5 o’clock ____________________

3.You saw Joe in the street yesterday afternoon. What was he doing? Write positive or negative sentences.

1.(he / wear / a jacket) He wasn’t wearing a jacket.

2.(he / smoke / a pipe) ______________________

3.(he / carry / a bag) ________________________

4.(he / carry / an umbrella) ___________________

5.(he / go / to the dentist) ____________________

6.(he / wear / a hat) _________________________

7.(he / go / shopping) ________________________

8.(he / go / for a walk) _______________________

4.Answer the questions using the Past Continuous Tense. Use the given words.

M O D E L: What were they doing at 4.30 yesterday? (to have afternoon tea)

They were having afternoon tea.

1.What was she doing at 9.10 last Monday morning? (to listen to the radio) 2.What were the students doing at this time yesterday? (to listen to the lecture on English literature) 3.What was she doing at this time last year? (to look for a flat) 4.What was he doing at eleven o’clock last night? (to finish his report) 5.What was your father doing while your mother was washing up the dishes? (to read the newspaper) 6.What was the hostess doing while the guests were dancing? (to work in the kitchen)


1.Put questions to the italicized words.

1.The man was reading a magazine when somebody knocked at the door. 2.He was waiting for a bus. 3.The boy was skating. 4.The students were dancing when I opened the door. 5.The girl was eating ice-cream when we came in. 6.She was looking after her little brother.7.The students were discussing a story. 8.The man was passing the theatre when the clock struck ten. 9.It was snowing when we went out. 10.The boy was running very fast.

2.Make up disjunctive questions:

1.We were having a break at the time. 2.The clock was striking 10 when I came. 3.We were writing atest from 2 till 4. 4.Ann was looking for her cat in the garden. 5.I was not walking with my dog at that time. 6.We were not driving too fast. 7.She wasn’t feeling very well last night. 8.Everybody was waiting for their arrival.

3.Read the following situation.

Your friend was trying to get you on the telephone the whole day yesterday, but failed. He is surprised and asks you what you were doing at the time he telephoned. You are trying to remember what you were doing at: a) 11o’clock; b) half past twelve; c) 2 o’clock; d) a quarter to five; e) from six till seven, etc.

Tell your friend what you were doing when he telephoned.

4.A group of people were staying in a hotel. One evening the fire alarm rang. Use the words in brackets to make sentences saying what each person was doing at the time.

Example: (Don/have/a bath) Don was having a bath.

1.  (Ann/write/a letter in her room)

2.  (George/get/ready to go out)

3.  (Carol and Denies/have/dinner)

4.  (Tom/make/a phone call)

5.Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous or Past Continuous.

1.Why you (to look) at me in that way? 2.He (to skate) yesterday from five till nine o’clock. 3.Why you (to smoke) in the room? 4.She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 5.What you (to look) at? I (to look) at this monument. 6.He (to write) the article all the week. 7.Yesterday he (to tell) us for two hours about his trip to India. 8.I (to learn) to ride a bicycle now. 9.We (to work) at this problem during three months. 10.Be quiet, he (to write) a composition now.

6.Use Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.

1.When the taxi (to arrive) I still (to pack) my things. 2.What you (to do) in the evening yesterday? – I (to watch) TV and my wife (to wash up). 3.I (to do) all the exercises while you (to smoke). 4.Mr. Brown, where you (to be) when they (to drive) your cat at midnight? 5.When the clock (to strike) nine she (to run) up the stairs to her office because the lift (not to work). 6.He (to stand) and (to watch) while the boys (to fight). 7.She (to wear) a marvelous new dress at the party and (to look) fantastic! 8.He (to wait) for her for an hour but she never (to come). 9.When the telephone (to ring) I (to bake) a cake and (to ask) Mary who (to do) nothing at the moment to answer the call. 10.Why you (not to attend) the lecture on Saturday? Professor B. (to speak) about UFO and other mysterious objects.

7.Translate into English.

1.Ми бачили її вчора. Вона працювала в читальному залі. 2.Коли годинник пробив дванадцять, ми всі сиділи за столом. 3.Де ти був о третій годині? Я дзвонив тобі, але ніхто не відповідав. – Я ремонтував велосипед. 4.Коли я зайшов до залу, Ольга декламувала вірш. 5.Що вона робила, коли ви прийшли до неї? – Вона прибирала в кімнаті. 6.Коли я вийшла з дому, йшов сильний дощ. 7.Що робив учитель, коли ви писали твір? – Він перевіряв наші диктанти. 8.Що робив ваш син о дев’ятій годині вечора? – Читав якусь книжку. В цей час він завжди читає книжки, дивиться телевізійні передачі або слухає радіо. 9.Я бачив тебе, коли ти біг вулицею. Куди ти поспішав? 10.Ми поверталися додому пізно. Дощу не було, але дув сильний вітер.


Майбутній тривалий час / The Future Continuous Tense


The Future Continuous Tense утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be в Future Indefinite та дієприкметника теперішнього часу (Present Participle) основного дієслова.

+ S + shall/will be Ving

He will be working in the garden.

- S + shall/will not be Ving

He will not (won’t) be working in the garden.

? Shall/Will S be Ving …?

Will he be working in the garden?

?/W will S be Ving…?

Where will he be working?

Who will be Ving …?

Who will be working  in the garden?

2.Вживання майбутнього тривалого часу.


а) для вираження тривалої дії, що відбуватиметься в якийсь момент або період часу в майбутньому.

e.g. Meet me at two o’clock.

I’ll be looking out for you.

We’ll be playing all morning.

Зустрінемося о другій годині. Я чекатиму на тебе.

Ми будемо гратися весь ранок.

б) У сучасній англійській мові FutureContinuous часто вживається у тому ж значенні, що й FutureIndefinite, тобто виражає майбутню дію.

e.g.You won’t be coming back here any more.

He’ll be going to school soon.

Ви більше сюди не повернетесь.

Він скоро ходитеме до школи.

1. Conjugate the following verbs in the Future Continuous:

write, sit, speak, tell, walk, smile.

2. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1.We’ll be waiting for you at six in the evening. 2.Father will be taking shower at this time. 3.The Browns will be having lunch at noon. 4.They‘ll be discussing this topic tomorrow morning. 5.I’ll be packing tomorrow. 6.We’ll be reading for the exam the whole day on Monday. 7.Mary will be having her Spanish from 5 to 6 tomorrow.

3. Complete the sentences using Future Continuous and the words in brackets.

1.Don’t call us at 6 in the morning. (sleep). 2.Don’t send them any letters in August. (travel). 3.Don’t ask Mary for help after lunch. (type). 4.Don’t leave the girl alone. (cry). 5.Don’t expect Bob to visit next weekend. (work). 6.Don’t wait for your sister tomorrow. (stay in bed). 7.Don’t call me tonight. (clean the house)

4. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

1.What will Mom be doing on Sunday? (make a shirt). 2.What will you be doing at this time next week?(sunbathe on the beach). 3.What will Granny be doing when we come? (water the flowers

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