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Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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бесіди по темі “Робочий день студента”, розвивати навички читання текстів на загально-побутову тематику та розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення по темі.
1.Make up sentences using the tables and translate them.
I He She |
leave(s) for |
work college the university |
at half past seven. |
It takes |
him her them me Peter |
ten minutes forty minutes half an hour an hour |
to get |
to college. to school. to Sadova Street. home. to the plant. |
How long does it take |
you him her |
to get |
to school? to the university? to the centre of the town? |
2.What do you do first in the day? What do you do next? Number the activities in the correct order for you.
___have lunch |
___start work |
___get up |
___have a shower |
___arrive home |
___read a book |
___do homework |
___get dressed |
___go to bed |
___go to work |
___cook dinner |
___finish work |
___have breakfast |
___watch television |
___leave home |
3.Remember the following words and word combinationsmake up sentences with them:
to get up to take a shower to shave to wake up at once to get ready to consist of porridge to leave home to catch a bus (taxi) at eight o’clock sharp to attend to keep fit to share one’s impressions to sit up late |
вставати приймати душ голитися будити, прокидатися одразу бути готовим складатися каша виходити з дому сісти на автобус (таксі) рівно о 8 годині відвідувати бути бадьорим і здоровим ділитися враженнями засиджуватися допізна |
1.Read and translate paying attention to the active words and word combinations.
The typical day in our family begins at six o’clock when my parents get up. My mother starts her morning with going to the kitchen and preparing breakfast for the whole family. My father runs in the park every morning. When he returns he takes a cold shower and shaves. Then he wakes me up (and it is not an easy task at all I must say). It is very difficult for me to get up at once as I am not an early riser. In the morning I usually do some morning exercises and take a cold shower. It takes me about twenty minutes to get ready for breakfast. We gather for breakfast at about seven o’clock. It consists of some porridge, a cup of tea or coffee, toast or bread with butter.
At ten minutes past seven I leave home for university. I live far from it so I usually catch a bus or taxi. It takes me forty minutes to get there. Classes start at eight o’clock sharp. I usually have three or four classes a day. I attend lectures or have practical classes. Sometimes I have lunch at the university canteen. After classes I often go to the library to prepare for my seminars. I come back home tired, have my dinner and have a short rest or go for a walk with my friends. Two times a week (usually it is on Tuesday and Thursday) I go to the swimming pool to keep myself fit.
In the evening when all the members of the family are at home we have supper. We inform news and share our impressions about the day that has passed. I seldom go out in the evening on week days as I am busy doing my homework. Sometimes I have to sit up late. But when my homework is ready I relax in front of the TV set watching my favourite programmеs. I usually go to bed with a good book and read in bed before going to sleep.
2.Answer the questions.
1. When does the typical day begin in your family?
2. What do the members of your family do in the morning?
3. (At) what time do you leave for university?
4. How do you get there?
5. How long does it take you to get to University?
6. At what time do your classes begin?
7. What do you do when your classes are over?
8. What do you do in the evening?
3.Carry out a survey titled”How to organize your day”. Ask your fellow students:
1) how much time they spend: working, sleeping, washing and getting dressed, eating and drinking, shopping, travelling, doing housework, studying reading, watching TV or listening to the radio, performing other leisure activities, doing nothing;
2) which activities they enjoy doing and how long they spend on them;
3) which activities they don’t enjoy and how long they spend on them;
4) if there is something they don’t have time to do or would like to spend more time doing;
5) if there is some way they could organize their time differently and how.
Make notes and analyze the results of investigation. Write a short report giving the results of your survey. Use words and expressions like these:
None of… |
A great many of… |
Hardly any of… |
Some of… |
Very few of… |
A large number of… |
Not many of… |
A lot of… |
The majority of… |
Use the following phrases for summarizing or generalizing:
On he whole,… |
At first place,… |
Generally,… |
It seems that,… |
When you have finished your report, discuss it in the class.
4.Answer the following questions about your personal habits and see how consistent and organized you are.
· Do you always get up at the same time on week days?
· Do you use an alarm clock every morning?
· Do you get up as soon as you wake up?
· Do you do morning exercises regularly?
· Do you make the bed before or after you have breakfast?
· Do you have breakfast before or after you get dressed?
· Do you put your left shoe on before your right?
· Do you always have meals at the same time and at the same place?
· Do you put salt on food before or after you taste it?
· Do you use a diary or calendar to arrange your life?
· Are you ever late for classes? appointments? dates?
· Do you go to bed at a fixed time or do you wait until you are tired?
· Do you undress before you brush your teeth at night?
· Before you go to sleep, do you usually read in bed?
· Do you put the light before or after you get into bed?
5.Speak on your ordinary working day.
1.Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box:
11p.m. |
a glass of orange juice and egg |
local bus |
suburb near Manchester |
one day |
in the school canteen |
on his homework |
at 8.30 a.m. |
sixth form student |
team-mates |
finishes with |
7.30 a.m. |
Peter Dryden lives in a ______(1). He is a _______(2). Every morning he gets up at_____(3). He has______(4) for breakfast and lives the house ______(5). He goes to his public school by a school bus. He usually has four lessons before lunch. He doesn’t take a packed lunch from home and prefers to eat _____(6). He has three more classes after lunch and then plays football with his_____(7). Peter is a promising football player and he dreams that ____(8) he will be invited to play for “Manchester United”. After his training he takes a ____(9) home and has dinner at about 7 o’clock. Peter doesn’t spend much time_____(10) and it is usually ready by 9 o’clock. His usual evening ____(11) watching TV or listening to the CDs of his favourite pop-groups. He goes to bed at____(12).
2. Read the text again and find 5 or more facts about Peter Dryden’s routine that are the same to yours. Then find some facts that are different. Explain the difference.
MODEL 1: Both Peter and I wake up at 7.30 a.m.
MODEL 2: Peter gets up at 7.30 and I get up at 6.30 because my classes begin at 8 o’clock.
3.Look through the following words and word combinations. Do you know all of them?
daily routine - робочий день wisely - розумно on time - вчасно to wind the alarm clock - заводити годинник to wander - блукати to fight the urge - боротися з бажанням зробити щось manage - ухитрятися, примудрятися make up - макіяж makemefeelguilty - змушує почувати себе винним |
to set off - вирушати hastybite - їжа нашвидкуруч torush - бігти, поспішати snack - легка закуска toworkout - тренуватися tospoilleisuretime - псувати вільний час to put off homework - відкласти домашнє завдання to brush up on - повторювати to keep late hours - пізно лягати спати |
4Read and translate the text.
I’m in the first year at the university. My elder sister, Ann studies economics at the same university. Ann can organize her time wisely, whereas I don’t know what order I should
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
Всегда на связи. Соблюдаем сроки. Предложим адекватную конкурентную цену.
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